Environmental Biology Option

Freshman YearCredits
ENSC 110 - Land Resources and Environmental Sciences3  
BIOB 170IN - Principles of Biological Diversity4  
CHMY 141 - College Chemistry I
& CHMY 142 - College Chemistry I Lab
WRIT 101W - College Writing I3  
M 161Q - Survey of Calculus  4
BIOB 160 - Principles of Living Systems  4
CHMY 143 - College Chemistry II
& CHMY 144 - College Chemistry II Lab
US Core  3
Year Total: 14 15
Sophomore YearCredits
ENSC 245IN - Soils3  
GPHY 284 - Intro to GIS Science & Cartog 3  
PHSX 205 - College Physics I4  
Take one of the following:3  
BIOB 318 - Biometry
STAT 216Q - Introduction to Statistics
STAT 332 - Statistics for Scientists and Engineers
Univ. Core3  
CHMY 211 - Elements of Organic Chemistry
& CHMY 212 - Elements of Organic Chemistry Lab
BIOM 360 - General Microbiology  5
ENSC 210 - Role of Plants in the Environment  3
ENSC 260 - Evolution for Env Scientists  3
Year Total: 16 16
Junior YearCredits
ENSC 353 - Environmental Biogeochemistry3  
BIOE 370 - General Ecology 3  
BCH 380 - Biochemistry
& BCH 381 - Biochemistry Lab
Univ. Core3  
BIOM 452 - Soil & Envirnmntl Microbiology  3
WRIT 201 - College Writing II
or HONR 202IH - Texts and Critics: Knowledge & Imagination II
Take one of the following:  3
BIOM 415 - Microbial Diversity, Ecology, and Evolution (even years)
BIOE 455 - Plant Ecology
BIOE 422 - Insect Ecology (odd years)
ENSC 311 - Fundamentals of Environmental Data Analysis  3
Univ. Core  3
Year Total: 14 15
Senior YearCredits
ENSC 444 - Watershed Hydrology3  
Take one of the following:3  
ENSC 407 - Environmental Risk Assessment
PSCI 448 - The Politics of Climate Change
GPHY 329 - Environment and Society
GPHY 402 - Water and Society
WILD 420 - Range & Wildlife Policy and Planning
Directed Electives6  
Univ. Core3  
ENSC 468 - Ecosystem Biogeochem and Global Change  3
ENSC 499R - LRES Capstone  3
Directed Electives  9
Year Total: 15 15
Total Program Credits: 120
Directed Electives
Each student shall work closely with their faculty advisor to plan an integrated set of elective courses appropriate to their academic, professional and personal goals. Courses not on this list may be used IF considered appropriate to the student's goals AND approved by the faculty advisor as a curricular exception. Students choosing to take lower level courses (1xx/2xx) for directed electives should be sure they are meeting the university minimum requirement of 42 credits of upper level classes (3xx/4xx) for graduation.
Choose 15 credits from the following:
AGSC 401Integrated Pest Management3
BIOB 375General Genetics3
BIOB 420Evolution3
BIOE 375Ecological Responses to Climate Change3
BIOE 405Behavioral and Evolutionary Ecology3
BIOE 408Rocky Mountain Vegetation3
BIOE 428Freshwater Ecology3
BIOM 410Microbial Genetics3
BIOM 423Mycology (even years)3
BIOM 430Applied and Environmental Microbiology4
BIOM 450Microbial Physiology3
BIOM 455RResearch Mthds in Microbiology4
BIOO 310Comparative Vertebrate Anatomy4
BIOO 412Animal Physiology3
BIOO 415Ichthyology3
BIOO 433Plant Physiology3
BIOO 470Ornithology3
BIOO 475Mammalogy3
ECNS 332Econ of Natural Resources3
ENSC 407Environmental Risk Assessment3
ENSC 410RBiodiversity Survey and Monitoring Methods3
ENSC 443Weed Ecology and Management3
ENSC 445Watershed Analysis3
ENSC 448Stream Restoration Ecology3
ENSC 461Restoration Ecology3
GPHY 429RApplied Remote Sensing3
M 172Calculus II4
NRSM 421Holistic Thought/Mgmt4
NRSM 453Habitat Inventory and Analysis3
STAT 337Intermediate Statistics with Introduction to Statistical Computing3
STAT 411Methods for Data Analysis I3
WILD 301Princ of Fish & Wildlife Mgmt3
WILD 438Wildlife Habitat Ecology3

Because some of our courses are offered during alternate years, the proposed scheduling of courses in junior and senior years may need to be modified. Work with an advisor to determine an individual schedule.

A minimum of 120 credits is required for graduation; at least 42 of these credits must be in courses numbered 300 and above.