STEM Teaching Certificate

This certificate is designed to give K-12 teachers a basic understanding of a broad range of topics of STEM education. These courses are specially designed to help you integrate inquiry-based science, technology, engineering and mathematics (STEM) into the classroom while improving content and pedagogical knowledge in each of these areas. Students will successfully complete 12 credits, with at least one course from each of the STEM content areas AND one methods course in either STEM or Engineering. The methods course will also count as the content course in that STEM area. 

Students cannot use more than four credits of 400-level courses on a Certificate Program of Study.

Students will successfully complete at least one course from each of the STEM content areas (Science, Technology, Engineering and Math) and one required Methods course for a minimum of 12 credits as follows:

EGEN 511Engineering Methods for Teachers (Spring-Even Years-Online) *3
MSSE 501Inquiry Sci Eng Prac (Fall, Spring, Summer-Online)2
MSSE 511STEM Methods for Teachers (Spring-Odd Years-Online) **2
Choose from any science content course from the MSSE Course Catalog,, as well as from the AGED courses listed below.
AGED 507Program Planning and Evaluation (Spring-Online)3
AGED 511Philosophy of Teaching and Learning in Agricultural Education (Fall-Online)3
CSCI 581Computational Thinking Tchrs (Summer-Odd Years-Online)2
CSCI 582Joy Beauty Data for Teachers (Summer-Even Years-Online)2
CSCI 583Integrating Computer Science in Science Classrooms (Summer-Online)3
MSSE 502Emerging Technology and the Science Classroom (Summer-Online)2
MSSE 511STEM Methods for Teachers (Spring-Odd Years-Online) **2
EELE 508Solar Cell Basics for Teachers (Summer-On Campus)2
EGEN 511Engineering Methods for Teachers (Spring-Even Years-Online) *3
M 517Advanced Mathematical Modeling for Teaching (Summer-Odd Years-Online)3
M 518Statistics for Teaching (Summer-Even Years-Online)3
M 520Access and Equity in Mathematics Teaching (Fall-Odd Years-Online)3
M 521Mathematics Learning Theory for Teaching (TBD-Online)3
M 525Analysis for Teaching (Fall-Online)3
M 534Research in Mathematics Education (Fall-Online)3
MSSE 508Statistics Bootcamp for MSSE Capstone Projects (Spring-Online) ***1

EGEN 511 may count towards both Methods and Engineering


MSSE 511 may count towards both Methods and Technology


MSSE 508 is restricted to students also enrolled in MSSE 575