Library and Information Resources


Doralyn Rossmann
Library Administration, Renne 124

Research Assistance

The MSU Library offers research assistance to the campus community in the following ways:Via phone: 406-994-3171

For more about our Research Services, visit

The Library 

The MSU Library is a dynamic, adaptive, and responsive research library. We aspire to build innovative digital and physical spaces where our diverse communities can access and apply information to grow intellectually, build meaningful collaborations, communicate ideas, and envision a better future for Montana and beyond.  We support the University’s commitment to teaching and research through our information resources (most of which are electronic), research assistance to students and faculty (see above), and by providing technology-rich learning and study spaces. 

Knowledgeable and friendly faculty librarians and staff provide assistance using the collections, accessing online information resources, and delivering instruction to individuals and groups. 

The MSU Library is located in the  Renne Library building, one of the busiest buildings on campus receiving approximately 30,000 visits in a typical mid-semester week. It offers a variety of study options for students, including group study rooms that can be reserved, group collaboration areas, and quiet spaces.  Wi-Fi is available throughout and computer workstations are plentiful. Laptops and other technology hardware are available for check-out.

The Library maintains the University’s open access institutional repository – ScholarWorks – which captures the intellectual work of the Institution. It offers data management and curation services to researchers, and provides access to local digital collections, including historical papers, MSU theses and dissertations, and photographs.The Library further supports open access by supporting, educating, and promoting the use of open educational resources (OER) across our campus community.

Special Collections and Archives holds unique primary source and original materials in the areas of Montana agriculture and ranching, Yellowstone National Park and its ecosystem, Montana history, Native Americans, trout and salmonid fish, and author Ivan Doig's archives.

Additionally, the Library is home to the University InformationTechnology Help Center, a satellite location of the Writing Center, and Testing Services.  

The Brewed Awakening coffee shop offers a variety of beverages and snacks for sale. 

Courses Offered

LSCI 121Digital Information Literacy: Library Research Skills3
LSCI 290RUndergraduate Research1-6
LSCI 437Social Media Practices3
LSCI 490RUndergraduate Research1-6
LSCI 491Special Topics1-3
LSCI 492Independent Study1-3
LSCI 498Internship1-12

Additionally, Research Librarians and Library staff provide research assistance, deliver many course-specific instruction sessions, and teach workshops on a wide range of topics.