Student Services

Office of the Dean of Students

The Dean of Students office acts as an advocate for students, consults and works with individual students and student groups, and works with other campus offices in creating a sense of community at MSU. Assistance is available on a “drop-in” basis or by appointment. Services offered by the office include:

  • Consulting with students to help mitigate conflicts on campus
  • Supporting MSU’s fraternities and sororities
  • Supporting MSU’s parent and family relationship program
  • Coordinating conduct hearings
  • Providing general information or assistance
  • Administering and interpreting the Student Conduct Code

The Office of the Dean of Students is located in Student Union Building (SUB) room 174. Call 406-994-2826 for more information.

Allen Yarnell Center for Student Success

The Allen Yarnell Center for Student Success believes in students and their potential. Students who visit the office learn to take an active role in owning and directing their education and future. The Allen Yarnell Center for Student Success offers several programs and services aimed at helping students succeed at MSU. These offices and programs include:

Offices within AYCSS

Office of Student Success 

  • Success Advisors - Success advisors are expert learning strategists who meet one-on-one with students to teach them tools they can use to improve their academic performance. Topics covered in meetings include:
    • Study strategies, test preparation, study habit formation
    • time management
    • how to improve grades
    • prioritization and meeting deadlines
    • referral to academic help centers
    • other techniques to help keep students on the path to graduation

Students who meet with our student success advisors are more aware of how they learn and how they can better themselves to ensure a successful academic career. Our student success advisors are committed to assisting students and helping them get connected to the campus resources they need to utilize to be successful MSU students.

  • Adventures MSU - Beginning college is the ultimate adventure and gaining the tools to succeed is the ultimate opportunity. The adventure of making new friends and exploring Bozeman coupled with the adventure of classroom time, water time, and relaxing in the great outdoors makes Adventures MSU an adventure you won’t want to miss. We’ll ensure your first semester is a huge success with learning management presentations and career development principals taught by our expert staff. Early move-in and peer connections in this three-day adventure plus additional self-reflection and exploration papers throughout the semester make this jump-start opportunity a 1 credit class.
  • Beginning College Survey of Student Engagement (BCSSE) - Every entering freshman takes this survey, administered by the Office of Student Success, at their orientation session. We strongly suggest that students set up an appointment with a student success advisor to interpret the results of this survey. The survey results teach students how they can maximize their academic performance. Student success advisors help students learn what it takes to be a successful MSU student.
  • Early Alert Program - Students are referred to our office in a number of different ways, but most often through the Early Alert System. When faculty members are concerned about an individual student’s classroom performance, attendance, or course progress, they can submit the student's name to our office through the Early Alert System. The Office of Student Success personally connects referred students with student success advisors who provide them with tools to improve their performance and help them formulate a success plan for the remainder of the semester. Advisors can also answer questions about how academic performance may affect financial aid, living arrangements, and academic standing and point students towards the right resources to address those concerns and achieve greater success at MSU.
  • Workshops - The Office of Student Success offers free workshops that help students become organized, learn the ins and outs of MSU, and connect with other students. These workshops cover timely topics related to college success.
  • SmartyCats Tutoring - The Office of Student Success offers one-on-one and small-group online and in-person tutoring for hundreds of courses through the SmartyCats Tutoring Program. SmartyCats tutors are an invaluable resource for students who need extra help or who seek to maximize their learning as required for their programs and career goals. SmartyCats tutors help students clarify points from lectures, labs, discussions, and assigned readings. Free drop-in tutoring and common hour exam study sessions are also available. To learn about the tutoring program, please visit
  • MSU 101 – Designed for students who seek an intensive learning experience to maximize their academic potential and create a personalized college experience, MSU 101 offers valuable insights into study strategies, note taking, critical thinking, and time management. This two-hour workshop is offered at the beginning of each semester, with the purpose of providing students with the tools they need to succeed at MSU. Workshop facilitators share their tips on how to reach goals—both inside and outside the classroom. Students learn what is necessary to get back on track and are encouraged to take an active role in achieving their goals.
  • Learning Strategies Class - University Studies 103, Learning Strategies, is designed to help students develop an enriched understanding of the learning process, and acquire essential academic success skills.  The course provides students tools and insights to be more effective and engaged students, promotes valuable use of campus resources, and functions as a support network for students transitioning off academic probation by examining barriers and solutions to common university challenges. Attaining an appropriate balance between student learning, student engagement and student development underlies all US 103 instruction and activities.
  • ChampChange - ChampChange rewards undergraduate students for engaging in events and programs at MSU and in the Bozeman community. Students earn points by attending special lectures, attending Residence Hall programs, meeting with a student success advisor, financial coach, or career coach, voting in ASMSU elections, volunteering for service projects sponsored by the Office of Community Involvement, playing intramural sports, meeting with a SmartyCats tutor, and so much more.
    • Students can also swipe their CatCards and receive ChampChange points any time they visit one of these permanent reader locations:
      • Student Tickets
      • Allen Yarnell Center for Student Success
      • Student Athletic Events
      • Writing Center - Wilson Hall
      • Writing Center - Renne Library
      • Fitness Center
      • BBCC Writing Center
      • Gallatin College Help Center
      • Math Learning Center
      • Chemistry Help Center
      • SUB Rec Center
      • Physics Help Center
      • Office of Financial Education
      • Library Reference Desk
      • Library Main Door
      • ITC Help Desk
      • CatCard Office 
      • Veteran Support Center
      • Academic Advising Center
      • M & IE Help Center
      • AJM Computer Lab
      • Blackstone LaunchPad
      • Reid Computer Lab
      • Return-to-Learn Office
      • Roberts Computer Lab
      • SmartyCats Drop-In Tutoring
      • TRiO Office
      • American Indian Club Roob
      • Psychology Advising Office
      • Cell Biology & Neuroscience Student Resource Center
      • Study Abroad Office
    • Students use acquired ChampChange to bid on great prizes online, or save their ChampChange until the end of each semester and participate in the Final ChampChange Auction. Prizes available at the final auction include TVs, laptops, bikes, coffee makers, gaming consoles, cameras, and many other great items, as well as the grand prize: a $500 tuition scholarship donated by the Office of Financial Aid. For more information, visit
  • SmartyCats Tutoring - The Office of Student Success offers one-on-one and small-group online and in-person tutoring for hundreds of courses through the SmartyCats Tutoring Program. SmartyCats tutors are an invaluable resource for students who need extra help or who seek to maximize their learning as required for their programs and career goals. SmartyCats tutors help students clarify points from lectures, labs, discussions, and assigned readings. Free drop-in tutoring and common hour exam study sessions are also available. To learn about the tutoring program, please visit
  • MSU 101 – Designed for students who seek an intensive learning experience to maximize their academic potential and create a personalized college experience, MSU 101 offers valuable insights into study strategies, note taking, critical thinking, and time management. This two-hour workshop is offered at the beginning of each semester, with the purpose of providing students with the tools they need to succeed at MSU. Workshop facilitators share their tips on how to reach goals—both inside and outside the classroom. Students learn what is necessary to get back on track and are encouraged to take an active role in achieving their goals.

We encourage students to stop by our center to learn more about all of the ways we can help them make the most of their time here at MSU. The Allen Yarnell Center for Student Success is located at 177 Strand Union Building. We can also be reached by calling 406.994.ROAR (7627), or by emailing us at We are a dedicated and knowledgeable resource, ready and willing to support students at all points in their academic careers.

Career, Internship & Student Employment Services

The Career, Internship, & Student Employment Services office, located in the lower level of the Strand Union Building (177 SUB), offers a full range of career planning and employment services to students, alumni, the campus community, and employers. A primary goal of the office is to help students identify purposeful and fulfilling career paths and to gain experience and career skills which will clarify goals and facilitate entry into the job market. Students concerned about choice of major or career, who have questions about career options or graduate school, or who need help searching for jobs should visit the office. To learn more about Career, Internship & Student employment services, visit or call 406-994-4353. Our primary services are listed below.

  • Career Fairs - Annually, we host various career fairs and job events on campus. These include Student Employment Job Fairs, the Fall Career Fair, the “Almost” Spring Job & Internship Fair, and the Teach Montana Educators Fair. These career fairs offer opportunities for students and alumni to network and build relationships with employers and organizations.
  • Workshops and Events - The office offers a range of services to prepare students for the world of work by identifying their interests and matching them with exciting opportunities and career choices. Workshops and events include:
    • Margaret Alderson Etiquette Dinner
    • Bobcat Career Closet
    • Career Fair Prep-the-student week
    • Networking Reception Roam with Employers and Students
    • Resume Reviews
    • Career Interest Workshops
    • Internship Training and Preparation
    • Mock Interviews
    • STRONG Interest Inventory 244
    • Veterans Networking Event
    • What Can I DO with a Major in…?
    • Clifton Strengths & Schwartz’s Values
  • Career Coaching - Our experienced professional Career Coaches assist individuals with their choice of major, career opportunities, job search preparation, and career changes. The coaches work with students to use career assessment tools such as career interest inventories, Strengths Assesment, and personality indicators in order to prepare them for the world of work. Additionally, coaches assist with career preparation through job and internship searches, resume reviews, and mock interviews. Both undergradutes and graduate students are elgible for free career coaching.
  • - This free job and internship portal is exclusively for MSU students and alumni to search for full- or part-time employment, internships, and other interesting opportunities. Employers can access to post job openings and opportunities for students and alumni.
  • Bobcat Mentoring - The MSU Alumni Foundation and MSU Career, Internship & Student Employment Services are proud to host the MSU Bobcat Mentoring Program, designed specifically to connect students with outstanding MSU alumni ready to share their stories, networks, and experiences in order to help students navigate their future possibilities. Mentors and mentees are matched for a year but build relationships that will last indefinitely. These alumni are willing to share their stories so students can build theirs.
  • Internships – Utilizing, students are able to view and apply for internships in a variety of fields. It is recommended that students complete at least one, preferably two, internships before graduation. Surveys conducted through our office indicate that the number one reason why a graduate gets a job is because of the valuable experiences they earned while interning in their area of interest.
  • On-Campus Interviews - The office also hosts on-campus interviews for summer opportunities, internships, and career positions with a variety of employers in business, industry, government, and education.
  • Credential Files - Teachers and graduate school candidates may set up credential files which contain personal, educational, and employment data as well as letters of recommendation. They may access and update this information for future employment and educational opportunities. 
  • Gold Standard Student Employment & Leadership Program:
  • US210 Course - World of Work, and You - PREREQUISITE: Consent of instructor. This class is dedicated to “designing your life" by understanding the importance of education, shifts in the global economy/demography, technology, trade, etc. and how that affects YOU and your future career. Students will gain important self-knowledge and skills related to communication, problem solving, leadership, ePortfolios, teamwork, professionalism, and global/intercultural fluency. Students will also develop their career management plan while exploring their personal values. Ultimately, students will be able to visualize how they will utilize their degree with purpose. This course requires extensive writing, self-reflection, and synthesizing of concepts. This course does not cover the US Core requirement.

Office of Financial Education

  • The Office of Financial Education provides resources to MSU students and MSU alumni to help them gain financial independence and learn techniques to achieve their life goals. We educate and support our students to ensure that they can manage debt and develop sound budgeting skills. We offer students opportunities to improve their financial management skills through one-on-one financial coaching, workshops and events, and informational materials.

Return-to-Learn Scholars Program
Return-to-Learn Scholars Program helps students returning to MSU after time away navigate the re-enrollment process, arrange financial aid, understand the value of their return to MSU, and successfully reach their educational and life goals. A Return-to-Learn team member will work one-on-one with students to formulate goals and facilitate meetings with Career and Finacial Education Coaches and tutors. Additionally, Return-to-Learn Scholars receive scholarship assistance and access to unique learning and networking opportunities created especially for them.

Montana’s Own Scholars Program
Montana's Own Scholars Program was founded through the generosity of Terry and Patt Payne to identify promising MSU juniors and seniors from Montana hometowns. The goal of this program is to offer Montana’s Own Scholars financial support and additional educational, networking, and leadership-building opportunities that will shape their promise and potential and allow them to graduate and pursue careers of meaning and purpose and become the leaders of the future.

1893 Scholars Program
1893 Scholars Program is named after the year MSU was founded to provide all Montanans access to education and a better life. In the spirit of this mission to transform the lives and communities of Montanans, this program was developed to assist MSU seniors from Montana hometowns who could benefit from scholarship, academic, networking, career development, and leadership-building supports so they can graduate ready to be the leaders of the future.

Adult Student Services

Non-traditional-age students can find direction, support, and assistance as they formulate a plan to either return after time away or are attending college courses for the first time. A team member will work one-one-one with students to navigate the MSU systems and identify and reduce barriers to becoming an MSU student. Students may contact the office by phone, 406-994-2981 or by e-mail,

MSU Hilleman Scholars Program

Montana State University is pleased to offer the MSU Hilleman Scholars Program to honor the legacy of Dr. Maurice Hilleman. Dr. Hilleman was one of the most respected and important scientists of the twentieth century. His tenacious research and discovery over a 40-year career led to many of the vaccines we use today, improving public health and saving the lives of millions. The MSU Hilleman Scholars Program provides worthy high school graduates from Montana with exceptional financial and academic support throughout their four years at MSU so that they, too, can realize their full potential and actively contribute to their communities.

Montana State University is committed to using unparalleled and innovative programs to advance the futures of the residents we serve. We know there are more emerging world-class scientists, teachers, artists, engineers, counselors, nurses, writers, doctors, farmers, ranchers, and entrepreneurs in our towns, cities, and countryside who want to fully realize their potential, just like Dr. Hilleman. As the state’s land-grant institution, we believe the future of our Treasure State rests in our sons and daughters and their ability to advance and shape Montana, the nation, and the world as we will come to know it.

The Allen Yarnell Center for Student Success is located in Student Union Building (SUB) room 177. Call 406-994-7627 or email to for more information.

Office of Disability Services

  • The Office of Disability Services determines eligibility for specific disability accommodations, assure the provision of approved accommodations, and provide direction, advice, and referral services for persons with verified disabilities. Students seeking accommodations for a disability must request services through Disabled Student Services, 137 Romney Hall.  Students may also contact the office by phone, 406-994-2824, by TDD, 406-994-6701, by fax, 406-994-3943, or by email,

The Veteran Support Center

The Veteran Support Center provides service and assistance for veterans, dependents, and members of the guard and selected reserve who receive educational benefits from the U.S. Department of Veterans’ Affairs (VA). VA educational benefits recipients must have school enrollment certified each term by the MSU certifying official. Applications for the MUS Honorable Discharged Veteran Fee Waiver (see Special Exemptions for full fee waiver information) are also reviewed by the certifying official for approval. The Veteran Support Center is located in 136 Romney Hall. Students may also contact the office by phone, 406-994-3661 or by email,

Women's Center

The Women’s Center is open to all students, faculty, staff, and community members considering returning to school, and facilitates student and academic success at MSU through involvement with educational co-curricular programs and services.  Located in room 372 of the Strand Union Building, the Center is open 9 a.m. to 4 p.m., Monday through Friday, when school is in session. Services and resources include: weekly Sack Lunch Seminars, events celebrating National Women’s History Month, the Women and Their Futures film series, the Shannon Weatherly Memorial Lecture Series, a quarterly newsletter, a lending library with resources addressing women’s and gender concerns, career and scholarship information, and various other resources and programs.  The Women’s Center also offers volunteer and internship opportunities.

Diversity Awareness Office

The Diversity Awareness Office (DAO) provides information and support to the university community in the areas of multicultural awareness and community building, prejudice education, and practical resources relating to diversity issues. The DAO sponsors, produces and promotes events that encourage and foster diversity awareness around issues of gender, class, religion, sexual orientation, and ethnicity. Awareness of diversity is examined through lectures, movies, discussion groups and social events. The DAO provides a safe supportive environment in which students can begin to understand the diversity they experience on campus as well as the larger global community.

Part of the vision of the DAO is to also foster and support the growth of understanding and tolerance of difference throughout the university and in the surrounding community. We see the existing diversity as a valuable resource towards this goal, and seek to involve students in all steps of the process.  From this, we hope to add to the leadership skills of those students interested in the processes of raising visibility and understanding of difference and multiple perspectives.

The Diversity Awareness Office manages programs such as Expanding Horizons, Sustained Dialogue, and Safe Zone. The DAO collaborates with student groups, departments, and community organizations to deliver lectures, activities and events that address issues of diversity on campus, within the state, and in the world at large. For more information, please visit or visit us in Strand Union Building room 368.

Cat Card

The Cat Card is your MSU Student ID, an optional on-campus debit card, and after hour access card to the residence halls. The Cat Card also serves as a meal pass card and is used to gain entrance to Marga Hosaeus H&PE Center and student functions such as athletic events.

The magnetic strip on the back of the Cat Card contains information about the student’s current status. When swiped at various locations on campus, this information determines, if the student is permitted to participate in the services or activities at a specific location.

Deposits can be made at the Cat Card and Meal Pass Offices to use the card as an on-campus debit card. You can also manage your account and make deposits online at The Cat Card can then be used to make purchases in all food areas, MSU Bookstore, Health Service, Dental Service, Strand Union retail areas, copy machines, laundry machines in the residence halls, parking areas, and other areas on campus that accept Cat Cards.

Your Cat Card is your “key” to the campus. For more information about the Cat Card visit the Cat Card Office in the lower level of the Strand Union Building or call 994-CARD. You may also visit our Website at

Strand Union (SUB)

The Strand Union Building (SUB) is truly the center of campus activity at MSU. The SUB provides daily services, amenities and out-of- the-classroom opportunities for informal interaction among members of the MSU community. The Strand Union strives to provide students with a space for personal development and fulfillment through opportunities in student government, community service groups, and employment as well as recreational events and activities. The SUB also fills the role of conferencing center for hundreds of meetings and conferences every year.

Focused on serving the needs of students, faculty, staff and guests to the university, the SUB offers two student managed, student staffed service centers: the Ask Us Desk and the Rec Center. The Ask Us Desk is the information center for the building, connecting people to campus information, handling lost and found, stamps sales, affordable fax services, and is a Tickets West ticket sales outlet. Visit for MSU events and schedules, and other information.

The Recreation Center provides a social gathering place and stress relief with bowling, billiards, foosball, shuffleboard, big screen TVs, special late night events, Wii and PlayStation 2, and of course, snacks! A limited number of lockers in the SUB are available for rental through the Rec Center. Each semester, bowling and billiard classes are offered and can be registered for through the Health and Human Development Department. For more information and hours, visit

The SUB Building offers meeting rooms (seating from 10-1,350) through Conference Services, and houses the MSU Bookstore, full-service banking, student lounges and a variety of ATMs. There are also copy and postal services and a FedEx drop box in the building. Strand Union Food Services include sandwiches and wraps at Avogadro’s Number, burgers and pizza from the Bobcat Court, delicious espresso drinks from S.R.O., treats and smoothies from The Sweet Shop and Freshens, a variety of other meal choices from the Union Market, and University Catering for special events.

The SUB is also home to the Associated Students of Montana State University (ASMSU Student Government, Campus Entertainment, the Exit Gallery, Student Legal Services, the Leadership Institute, KGLT Community Radio), Admissions, the MSU Veteran’s Center, the Office of Community Involvement, the Cat Card Office, Financial Aid, Copy Cats, the VOICE Center and the Procrastinator Theater.  The Division of Student Success has the following offices and departments located in the SUB: The Vice President for Student Success, Dean of Students Office, Office of Students Success/Career Internship Services, First Year Initiative, Disability, Re-entry and Veteran Services, the Office of Student Activities, The Women’s Center and the Diversity Awareness Office.

The Strand Union Administration Office, located in room 223 (directly behind the Ask Us desk), houses the offices of the Director, the Marketing Manager and the SUB Administration Office Manager. Visit or call 406-994-3082 for more information.

Computer Services

The Information Technology Center operates microcomputer facilities for student use in Reid, Roberts, and Cheever Halls. A wide variety of software packages are available, including word processing, spreadsheets, database managers, and drawing and design packages.

University Printing Services

Located in the basement of Culbertson Hall, University Printing Services provides copying and a large variety of specialized printing services for all university departments, faculty, staff, students, and university organizations. University Printing Services strives to provide the highest quality printing and copying in a timely fashion at a price below on- or off-campus services. See for more information.

Copying Service

The Renne Library has a copy service in the basement and coin-operated copiers in lobby areas. Copy Cats and University Printing Services also offer complete copy services. Links: and

Graphic Services

Complete professional graphic design, typesetting, print production, photography, and darkroom services are available from MSU Creative Services, 427 Culbertson Hall, a branch of University Communications. Graphics and web design, scanning, and color output services are also available from Strand Union Graphics.

Audio Video Listening and Viewing

The Renne Library has facilities for listening to audio cassettes, phonograph records, and compact discs, as well as viewing video cassettes and slides.

Campus Post Office

A full-service post office is located in Culbertson Hall on Harrison Street. All services are available Monday through Friday from 8:30 a.m. to 4:00 p.m. Stamp sales and a letter drop-off are available at the Ask-Us desk in Strand Union; weekday pickup is at 8:45 a.m. and 2:00 p.m. A USPS mailbox with 3:00 p.m. Monday - Saturday pickup is located outside the Strand Union south entrance. Priority Mail, stamp sales, and a letter drop are also available at Cards ‘N’ Copies, which has a 2:00 p.m. weekday pickup.

Testing Services

The Testing Service coordinates the scheduling and administration of national testing programs such as the College-Level Examination Program (CLEP), the ACT, the Proficiency Examination Program (PEP), the General Educational Development Program (GED), the Graduate Record Examination (GRE), Law School Admission Test (LSAT), Medical College Admission Test (MCAT), and the Graduate Management Admission Test (GMAT). The Testing Service proctors the High School Days scholarship test, correspondence course exams, and exams for professors and resource students with disabilities who qualify for special test considerations. Contact Testing Services at (406) 994-6984.