Department of Mathematical Sciences

PO Box 172400
Wilson Hall 2-214

The Department offers graduate study leading to the degree of Master of Science or Ph.D. There are three M.S. degrees: M.S. in Mathematics, M.S. in Statistics, and M.S. in Data Science.  The M.S. in Mathematics degree is available with two options: Mathematics and Mathematics Education. The Doctor of Philosophy degree is offered in Mathematics and Statistics. The Ph.D. in Mathematics is available with two emphases: Mathematics and Mathematics Education. The Ph.D. in Statistics is available with two emphases: Statistics and Statistics Education. The Department also offers a Graduate Certificate in Applied Statistics.


For admission to either the M.S. or the Ph.D. degree program, a student should have completed at least eighteen (18) credits of mathematics or statistics beyond calculus. For mathematics majors, this should include a year of advanced calculus, an introductory course in differential equations and a course in linear algebra. For statistics majors, it should include theory courses in probability and mathematical statistics and applied courses in statistical methods and data analysis. To learn more about the application and admissions process, including financial opportunities, please review the department pages dedicated to graduate admissions:

Financial Assistance

Graduate assistantships are available to qualified graduate students in Mathematics, Mathematics Education, Statistics, or Statistics Education. Graduate Teaching Assistantships (GTA) usually require teaching one course each semester. Graduate Research Assistantships (GRA) may also be available to qualified students. GRA time requirements are similar to those for teaching assistantships. See the Graduate Assistantships section on the department website for detailed information on appointment criteria.