
Finance is the art and science of managing money. Financial management involves corporations raising and employing funds in order to maximize shareholders' wealth. The investments field involves balancing the expected return and risk characteristics of securities in order to make optimal portfolio investment decisions. Financial institutions and markets serve as conduits through which the economy matches supply and demand of investable funds so that scarce resources are allocated efficiently. Career opportunities include credit, financial, and securities analysts, bank examiners, loan officers, comptrollers, treasurers, portfolio managers, financial services representatives, financial planners, and insurance underwriters.

Finance Option

Freshman YearCredits
BGEN 104US - First Year Business Seminar*3  
ECNS 101IS - Economic Way of Thinking3  
Non-business/non-economics and general electives, and University Core9  
BGEN 204 - Business Fundamentals  3
ECNS 202 - Principles of Macroeconomics  3
M 161Q - Survey of Calculus  4
Non-business/non-economics and general electives, and University Core  5
Year Total: 15 15
Sophomore YearCredits
ACTG 201 - Principles of Financial Accounting3  
BMIS 211 - Data Analytics I3  
STAT 216Q - Introduction to Statistics3  
Non-business/non-economics and general electives, and University Core6  
ACTG 223 - Principles of Financial Accounting II  3
BMGT 205 - Prof Business Communication  3
ECNS 204IS - Microeconomics  3
BMGT 240IS - Business Analytics  3
Non-business/non-economics and general electives, and University Core  3
Year Total: 15 15
Junior YearCredits
BMGT 335 - Management and Organization3  
BFIN 322 - Business Finance3  
BMIS 312 - Data Analytics II3  
BFIN 357 - Financial Markets & Institutions3  
ACTG 327 - Intermediate Financial Accounting and Reporting I3  
BMGT 322 - Operations Management  3
BMKT 325 - Principles of Marketing  3
Non-business/non-economics and general electives, and University Core  6
ACTG 441 - Financial Statement Analysis  3
Year Total: 15 15
Senior YearCredits
BGEN 361 - Principles of Business Law3  
BFIN 420R - Investments3  
BFIN 435 - Corporate Finance3  
Non-business/non-economics and general electives, and University Core6  
BFIN 460 - Derivative Securities and Risk Management  3
BGEN 499 - Senior Thesis/Capstone: Strategy Seminar  4
Non-business/non-economics and general electives, and University Core  2
Choose two of the following:  6
BFIN 317 - American Financial Institutions
BFIN 421 - Real Estate Investment Analysis
BFIN 452 - International Finance
BFIN 456 - Entrepreneurial Finance
BFIN 458 - Commercial Bank Management
BFIN 461 - Portfolio Management
BFIN 498 - Internship (Must be taken for at least 3 cr, but counts as 1 BFIN elec)
ACTG 328 - Inter Fin Acct & Reporting II
ACTG 401 - Federal Income Taxation
ACTG 421 - Data Analytics for Accountants
BMGT 405 - Supply Chain Analytics
ECNS 301 - Intermediate Micro with Calc
ECNS 303 - Intermediate Macro with Calc
ECNS 345 - Econ Org, Finance & Credit
ECNS 403R - Intro to Econometrics
ECNS 406 - Industrial Organization
STAT 411 - Methods for Data Analysis I
Students must meet pre-requisite requirements of individual courses.
Year Total: 15 15
Total Program Credits: 120

A minimum of 120 credits is required for graduation; 42 of these credits must be in courses numbered 300 and above; 48 credits must be non-business/non-economics rubrics (although ECNS 101IS, ECNS 202, ECNS 204IS, BMGT 240IS may be included); University Core credit requirements must be satisfied.

*BGEN 104US preferred, but any University Seminar (US) core course may satisfy this requirement.

All students transferring to Jabs must meet the MSU & Jabs residency requirements.