Science Education Option

BIOB 160Principles of Living Systems4
or BIOB 170IN Principles of Biological Diversity
Choose one additional course from the following:3-4
Principles of Living Systems
Principles of Biological Diversity
Environmental Science and Society
Unseen Universe: Microbes
ERTH 101INEarth System Sciences4
Choose one additional course from the following:3-4
Introduction to Astronomy: Mysteries of the Sky
Yellowstone: Scientific Lab
Planetary Geoscience
Introduction to General Chemistry
and Introduction to General Chemistry Lab
or CHMY 141
CHMY 142
College Chemistry I
and College Chemistry I Lab
PHSX 201INPhysics by Inquiry3
or PHSX 205 College Physics I
Choose one more course from the following: 3-4
Introduction to Organic Chemistry and Biochemistry
and Introduction to Organic and Biochemistry Lab
College Chemistry II
and College Chemistry II Lab
The Physics of How Things Work
Physics by Inquiry
College Physics I
College Physics II
Total Credits24

All courses in this concentration must be completed with a grade of C or better and with a minimum option GPA of 3.0. Students choosing this concentration voluntarily select a program that requires additional coursework beyond the 120 credits required for a standard four-year degree.