Doctor of Philosophy in Exercise and Nutrition Sciences

The Doctor of Philosophy in Exercise and Nutrition Sciences prepares future scholars and industry experts to teach and mentor students, lead research and development, and create knowledge relating to the impacts of exercise/physical activity and nutrition on human health and function. This program builds on the Master of Science program in Exercise and Nutrition Sciences at MSU, or related MS degrees from other institutions.

The program will leverage expertise of exercise science program faculty and nutrition sciences program faculty and established collaborations with other STEM researchers and programs at MSU to deliver the following doctoral options: 1) exercise nutrition, metabolism, and physiology, and 2) biomechanics and motor control. These applied science options build on the foundational sciences of biochemistry, cellular and molecular biology, anatomy, physiology, physics, and mathematics. The program requires a minimum of 60 credits, including a minimum of 18-28 credits of dissertation and consideration of up to 21 non-research credits from a master's degree. Coursework for both options focuses on core content for exercise and nutrition sciences, research design and statistical analyses, and advanced coursework specific to each option. Additionally, each student will develop an academic portfolio that includes research (presentations, peer-reviewed publications, grant writing) and teaching (development of course materials, instruction, student mentoring).

Exercise Nutrition, Metabolism, and Physiology Curriculum 

18-28 cr of Kin 690 Dissertation credit

Take at least 3 of the following classes: 

KIN 515Exercise Performance and Nutrition3
KIN 545Graduate Exercise Physiology3
KIN 594Seminar1
KIN 525Neuromechanics of Human Movement3
KIN 535Advanced Motor Control3
NUTR 421Macronutrient Metabolism3
NUTR 511Exercise Metabolism and Health3
NUTR 520Advanced Diet and Disease Systems3

Take at least 2 of the following classes:         

STAT 425Biostatistical Data Analysis3
STAT 431Nonparametric Statistics3
STAT 437Introduction to Applied Multivariate Analysis3
STAT 439Introduction to Categorical Data Analysis3
STAT 441Experimental Design3
STAT 448Mixed Effects Models3
STAT 511Methods of Data Analysis I3
STAT 512Methods of Data Analysis II3
STAT 525Biostatistics3

Take at least 2 of the following classes: 

BCH 524Mass Spectrometry3
BCH 544Molecular Biology3
BCH 543Proteins3
BCH 546Metabolomics and Systems Biology3
BIOB 524Ethical Practice of Science3
BIOE 540Analysis of Ecological Communities3
CHTH 540Principles of Epidemiology3
MB 505Host-Associated Microbiomes4
MB 520Microbial Physiology3
Total Credits60

Up to 30 credits from the above list at MSU or equivalent from another university earned for the MS may be considered for credit toward the PhD.      

Biomechanics/Motor Control Curriculum 

Option 1: Master's and PhD at MSU (5 years to complete PhD) 

Existing MS in Exercise and Nutrition Sciences (2 years)  
Total MS program: 35 credits; considered for credit toward PhD: 18-21 credits.  

HHD 512Research Methods in HHD II3
KIN 515Exercise Performance and Nutrition3
or NUTR 511 Exercise Metabolism and Health
KIN 525Neuromechanics of Human Movement3
KIN 535Advanced Motor Control3
KIN 545Graduate Exercise Physiology3
KIN 590Master's Thesis1-10
KIN 594Seminar1
STAT 511Methods of Data Analysis I3
Electives 3

PhD in Exercise and Nutrition Sciences (3 years) 

Required Core: 24 - 34 credits
KIN 594Seminar1
KIN 690Dissertation1-10
Coursework (program developed in consultation with Chair): 5 - 18 credits
KIN 435Advanced Motor Control3
KIN 592Independent Study1-3
STAT 425Biostatistical Data Analysis3
STAT 431Nonparametric Statistics3
STAT 437Introduction to Applied Multivariate Analysis3
STAT 439Introduction to Categorical Data Analysis3
STAT 441Experimental Design3
STAT 448Mixed Effects Models3
STAT 511Methods of Data Analysis I3
STAT 512Methods of Data Analysis II3
Total Credits60

Option 2: Master's done elsewhere, start directly into PhD (3-4 years depending on prior coursework)

12-21 credits considered for credit toward the PhD (exact courses to be transferred for credit determined by department)

PhD in Exercise and Nutrition Sciences (3-4 years) 39-48 credits 

Required Core: 24 - 34 credits
KIN 594Seminar1
KIN 690Dissertation1-10
Coursework (program developed in consultation with Chair) 5 - 24 credits
KIN 515Exercise Performance and Nutrition3
KIN 525Neuromechanics of Human Movement3
KIN 535Advanced Motor Control3
KIN 545Graduate Exercise Physiology3
STAT 425Biostatistical Data Analysis3
STAT 431Nonparametric Statistics3
STAT 437Introduction to Applied Multivariate Analysis3
STAT 441Experimental Design3
STAT 448Mixed Effects Models3
STAT 511Methods of Data Analysis I3
STAT 512Methods of Data Analysis II3
Total Credits60