Film and Photography

The School of Film and Photography

The School of Film and Photography (SFP) prepares students to meet the challenges of a rapidly expanding media environment as creative artists and critical thinkers. Our students develop their own voices as tomorrow's leaders through intensive hands-on exploration of film, photography, and related media.

The School of Film and Photography offers a Bachelor of Arts degree (BA) with concentrations (options) in Film or Photography, plus a Bachelor of Fine Arts degree (BFA) in Integrated Lens-Based Media. 

The BA and BFA degree options share a common foundation dedicated to the relationships between film and photography. This integrated foundation permits students to take courses in Film or Photography while they complete the requirements of the option they have selected as their concentration. Students who pursue the BFA will be able to design their own curricular path in consultation with their advisor. 

After the completion of a successful freshman year of introductory courses in media production, analysis, and history, students will continue to develop advanced skills and knowledge of photography and/or filmmaking over the next the three years.

Both degree options provide flexibility for students who want to broaden their education with course work outside of the School of Film and Photography. All students are encouraged to study abroad, minor in another area of interest, and even double major. While we do provide classes that apply to the film and photography professions, we place more importance on providing a broad education to prepare students for a wide range of future opportunities not confined to the industry.

Transfer Students

Students who intend to transfer to The School of Film and Photography should seek prior approval of credit taken elsewhere in order to be certain that these credits will fulfill requirements in the Film or Photography options. In no case may a class completed with a grade below "C-" elsewhere be applied toward the program requirements for the degree. Any class that is not an equivalent class within the Montana University System must be approved by the SFP Director and Advisor on the basis of a review of the syllabus of the course taken elsewhere.

Course and Program Fees

Course fees are assessed to all students enrolled in foundation courses FILM 112 and PHOT 113RA. Once a declared major in either the BA Film or Photography option or the Integrated Lens-Based Media BFA, students are charged a program fee per semester. 

Undergraduate Programs

Bachelor of Arts in Film and Photography: 

Bachelor of Fine Arts in Film and Photography: