Sustainable Food Systems Option

The Sustainable Food Systems option offered by the Department of Food Systems, Nutrition, and Kinesiology trains students in the natural and social sciences to evaluate and mitigate outcomes of complex interactions in the food system for human health and nutrition.  This option focuses on the interconnections between production, policy, food security, and health. 

Health and Human Development

Freshman YearCredits
ECNS 101IS - Economic Way of Thinking3  
M 121Q - College Algebra3  
SOCI 101IS - Introduction to Sociology3  
Choose one of the following:3  
WRIT 101W - College Writing I
or University Core
Any US Core3  
BIOB 110CS - Plant Science  3
Choose one of the following:  4
CHMY 121IN - Introduction to General Chemistry
& CHMY 122IN - Introduction to General Chemistry Lab
or CHMY 141 and CHMY 142
SFBS 146 - Introduction to Sustainable Food and Bioenergy Systems  3
Choose one of the following:  3
SFBS 296 - Practicum: Towne's Harvest
or SFBS 298 - Internship
Choose one of the following:  3
WRIT 101W - College Writing I
or University Core
Year Total: 15 16
Sophomore YearCredits
Choose one of the following:3  
ACTG 201 - Principles of Financial Accounting
or BGEN 210 - Accounting and Finance Basics
or HDFS 337 - Personal and Family Finance I
Choose one of the following:3  
BIOM 103IN - Unseen Universe: Microbes
or BIOM 250 - Microbiology for Health Sciences: Infectious Diseases
ECHM 205CS - Energy and Sustainability3  
ENSC 245IN - Soils3  
NUTR 221CS - Basic Human Nutrition3  
ANSC 222 - Livestock in Sustain Systems  3
NUTR 226 - Food Fundamentals  3
NUTR 227 - Food Fundamentals Lab  2
STAT 216Q - Introduction to Statistics
or BIOB 318 - Biometry
University Core  3
Year Total: 15 14
Junior YearCredits
Choose one of the following:3  
NUTR 322 - Food Service System Management
or NUTR 435 - Experimental Foods
NUTR 351 - Nutrition and Society3  
SFBS 327 - Ethnobotany3  
Directed Elective3  
University Core 3  
AGSC 341 - Field Crop Production  3
NUTR 301 - Food and Culture  3
NUTR 321 - Nutrition in the Life Cycle  3
Choose one of the following  3
NUTR 395 - Pract: Quantity Foods Production and Management
or SFBS 445R - Culinary Marketing: Farm/Table
or NUTR 496 - Practicum Food Product Development
Upper Division Directed Elective  3
Year Total: 15 15
Senior YearCredits
Choose one of the following:3  
SFBS 429 - Small Business and Entrepreneurship in Food and Health
or BMGT 469 - Community Entrepreneurship & Nonprofit Management
SFBS 499 - Senior Thesis/Capstone3  
Upper Division Directed Elective9  
SFBS 451R - Sustainable Food Systems  3
SFBS 466 - Food System Resilience  3
SFBS 498 - Internship  3
Electives  3
Upper Division Directed Elective  3
Year Total: 15 15
Total Program Credits: 120
Directed Electives (choose 18 credits)
AGBE 315Ag in a Global Context3
AGBE 337Agricultural Law3
AGED 482Non-Formal Teaching Methods in Agriculture3
AGSC 242Crop Identification1
AGSC 428Cropping Systems and Sustainable Agriculture3
AGSC 465RHealth, Agriculture, Poverty4
BIOE 375Ecological Responses to Climate Change3
BMGT 410Sustainable Business Practices3
BMKT 325Principles of Marketing3
ECNS 202Principles of Macroeconomics3
GPHY 284 Intro to GIS Science & Cartog 0,3
HORT 245Plant Propagation3
HORT 310Topics in Horticulture3
HORT 337Vegetable Production3
HORT 343Comm Plant Production3
HORT 345Market Gardening3
HSTA 409Food in America3
HSTR 416Global History of Food3
LS 411Sustainable Cities3
NASX 232DMT Indians: Cultures, Histories, Current Issues3
NASX 415Native Food Systems3
NRSM 421Holistic Thought/Mgmt4
NUTR 430Food Processing3
NUTR 435Experimental Foods3
NUTR 496Practicum Food Product Development3
PSCI 230DIntroduction to International Relations3
PSCI 415The Political Economy of Energy3
PSCI 470Rural Politics3
SFBS 346Sustainable Food and Bioenergy Systems Summer Field Course1
SFBS 490RUndergraduate Research1-6
SFBS 492Independent Study1-3