Science Teaching Certificates

Montana State University's online graduate certificates help science educators gain knowledge and competence in the following specialized science teaching areas of their choice:

  • Chemistry
  • Climate Science
  • Earth Science
  • Elementary School Science
  • Life Science
  • Physics
  • STEM

Program Features

  • Graduate Certificates in Science Education are offered through MSU's Master of Science in Science Education (MSSE) program.
  • Certificates are designed for teachers of all backgrounds; fellow students will be K-12 teachers, community college instructors, museum professionals and informal science educators. Students will learn along with peers from around the world; absorbing new ideas and fresh perspectives.
  • Courses are 100% online without the need to come to the MSU campus. However, students have access to popular summer field & lab courses that utilize the diverse environment of Montana to teach scientific principles and provide models of field-based instruction, if they choose to come to campus. 
  • Courses are asynchronous; allowing students to log in any time of the day or night. In order to maximize interaction among students, instructors will set weekly schedules and assignment deadlines.
  • Courses are rigorous, content-focused and specially designed for teachers. 
  • Instructors are experts in their fields; having been specially trained in online teaching.
  • Our team offers fast, friendly, one-on-one support from the application process to certificate completion.

Time to Complete

Graduate Certificates in Science Education can be completed in 12-credits from courses that students choose from their specialized content areas. Most students will complete the certificate in 1-2 years. Because students have different responsibilities at work and home, not all students will progress in the program at the same pace. However, all coursework for each certificate must be completed within a 6-year window of time.

Students may transfer into the program a maximum of 3 graduate credits taken as non-degree from MSU's Masters of Science in Science Education (MSSE) courses. Up to 3 graduate credits from other institutions may also be applied. All transfer credit is subject to approval. All 12 credits earned towards a graduate certificate may apply toward the MSSE degree for those that choose to pursue their master's. 

Graduate Certificates in Science Education are not licensing and/or endorsement programs. Students interested in initial licensure should check with the Department of Education in their states for local certification policies. Coursework taken through the graduate certificate program and MSSE could be used toward licensure/endorsements depending on the requirements of individual states.

For More Information

Holly Thompson Reed, MSSE Academic Advisor III
Montana State University / MS in Science Education
451 Reid Hall, PO Box 172805
Bozeman, MT 59717-2805
Tel: 406-994-7485