Certificate in Science Teaching in Earth Science
The Certificate in Science Teaching in Earth Science offers courses ranging from geology and landforms to hydrology and paleontology. Also included and recommended while earning this certificate is a broad scoped course listed as Earth System Science.
Complete 12 credits selected from the below list:
ERTH 516 | North Rocky Mtn Geology (Summer-On Campus) | 2 |
ERTH 519 | Watershed Hydrology for Teachers (Spring-Odd Years-Online) | 3 |
ERTH 520 | Fundamentals of Oceanography for Teachers (Summer-Online) | 3 |
ERTH 521 | Geology of the Moon for Teachers (Spring-Even Years-Online) | 3 |
ERTH 523 | Weather for Elementary and Middle School Teachers (Spring-Online) | 3 |
ERTH 524 | K-14 Earth System Science (Fall-Online) | 3 |
ERTH 525 | Landforms for Elementary Teachers (Summer-Online) | 1 |
ERTH 527 | Weather & Climate for Teachers (Spring-Online) | 3 |
ERTH 528 | Climate Change for Teachers (Summer-Online) | 3 |
ERTH 587 | Invertebrate Paleontology for Teachers (Spring-Odd Years-Online) | 3 |
ERTH 594 | Seminar (Summer-On Campus) | 1 |
ERTH 595 | Historical Geology for Teachers (Fall-Online) | 3 |
ERTH 596 | Geology of Glacier National Park for Teachers (Summer-On Campus) | 2 |
ERTH 597 | Vertebrate Paleontology for Teachers (Spring-Even Years-Online) | 3 |
GEO 521 | Dinosaur Paleontology (Summer-On Campus) | 2 |
GEO 522 | Dino Paleontology II (Summer-Even Years-On Campus) | 2 |
GEO 585 | Mineralogy for Science Teachers (Spring-On Campus) | 1 |
LRES 582 | Streamside Science for Teachers (Summer-Online) | 3 |
LRES 584 | Twelve Principles of Soil Science for Teachers (Spirng-Odd Years-Online) | 3 |
LRES 585 | Water Quality in the Classroom for Teachers (Spring-Even Years-Online) | 3 |
MSSE 503 | Integrating Literature into the Biology/Life Science Classroom (Spring-Online) | 3 |
PHSX 511 | Astronomy for Teachers (Fall-Online) | 3 |