Building Energy Systems Minor

The Mechanical and Industrial Engineering Department within the Norm Asbjornson College of Engineering offers a non-teaching minor called the Building Energy Systems Minor. This minor provides a suite of courses from a wide variety of disciplines, which are relevant to the built environment. Students must satisfy the degree requirements for an ME, MET, CE, CET, EE or Arch degree plus the following courses to obtain a Building Energy Systems Minor. 

The Building Energy Systems Minor  requires a minimum of 22 credits , 8 credits of required core coursework and 14 credits of elective coursework chosen from each of the 5 categories.

Core Coursework7 credits
Applied Thermodynamics
Thermodynamics II
Applied Heat Transfer
Fundamentals of Heat Transfer
Thermal Processes Lab
Integrated Building Design3 credits
Choose one from the following:
Principles of HVAC II
Sustainability in Architecture
Power Systems3-4 credits
Choose one from the following:
Circuits, Devices and Motors
Electric Power Applications
Energy Conversion Devices
Photovoltaic Systems
Power Systems Analysis and Design
Alternative Energy Power Gen
Environmental Controls/HVAC3 credits
Choose one from the following:
Environmental Controls I
Principles of HVAC I
Building Systems
Building Construction/Design3-4 credits
Choose one from the following:
Building Construction I
Construction Practice
Geotechnical Engineering
Soils and Foundations
Building System Electives3 credits
Choose multiple courses totaling at least 3 credits:
Architectural Graphics III
Building Information Modeling in Construction
Building Information Modeling in MEP
Commercial Building Energy Assessment Lab
Industrial Processing Automation and Controls
Renewable Energy Applications
Total credits for Building Energy Systems Minor22 (min. credits)