Mechanical Engineering

The specific mission of the undergraduate Mechanical Engineering (ME) program is to prepare students for successful mechanical engineering careers, responsible citizenship, and continued intellectual growth. The goal of the program is to produce graduates strong in fundamentals, applications, design, communication, and professional responsibility. The Montana State University Mechanical Engineering Program is accredited by the Engineering Accreditation Commission of ABET,

The educational objectives for the Mechanical Engineering program are to prepare graduates who:

  1. Undertake professional careers
  2. Solve problems using engineering skills and methods
  3. Regularly communicate using modern tools
  4. Work productively in a team environment
  5. Acquire new knowledge and skills

The undergraduate Mechanical Engineering program is principally oriented toward career preparation, providing students with the engineering and technical education appropriate to the challenges presented by today's technologically complex and difficult problems. The coursework in mechanical engineering provides four years of study in mathematics, basic sciences, university core subjects, and engineering topics. The overall curriculum provides an integrated educational experience directed toward the development of an ability to apply pertinent knowledge to the identification and solution of practical problems in mechanical engineering.

The profession of mechanical engineering is very broad, with practitioners employed in most areas of technological and industrial management endeavor. Examples of industrial employers which require mechanical engineering background are: process industries including pulp and paper, steel, aluminum, food, petroleum, chemicals and others; manufacturing industries including highway vehicles, instruments, airplanes, rockets and engines, toys, agricultural machinery, and many others; power plants including steam, nuclear, and hydroelectric plants; federal laboratories performing a wide variety of defense and non-defense related engineering design, analysis, and experimental work; and a wide variety of consulting work including heating, ventilating, and air conditioning system design, and forensic engineering. This brief sample gives a view of the wide spectrum of employment possibilities in mechanical engineering.

It is the mechanical engineer's responsibility and challenge to conceive, plan, design, and perform analysis and testing related to devices, machines, and systems used by or manufactured by the employer. This work may include liaison with other engineers, engineering technologists, technicians, outside vendors, and departments within the company. Areas of responsibility following design and prototype testing may include direction of a manufacturing line.

It should be evident that career opportunities abound within this very wide array of employers and engineering activities. The job market for engineers often follows the nation's economy in general. In spite of these natural fluctuations, however, it is expected that our nation will always depend on uses of technology for creating an improved standard of living and a more efficient industrial base to maintain and enhance international competitiveness. Therefore, we can expect that mechanical engineering graduates will have excellent employment opportunities.

Course requirements include mathematics, basic sciences (physics and chemistry), engineering design; arts, diversity, humanities and social sciences; and at least one year of engineering science. The program also includes engineering graphics, statistics, computer application, solid mechanics, materials science, manufacturing processes, thermodynamics, heat transfer, fluid mechanics, electronics, and design of structural, mechanical, and energy systems. Computing and computer applications are stressed throughout the curriculum. The program culminates with a capstone design experience in which the student is involved in a team that must create a solution to a real-world engineering design problem, and develop a working prototype. Often times these teams are multidisciplinary.

Graduate Program

Students who have completed a Bachelor of Science degree in engineering or closely related discipline may take graduate work leading to the Master of Science in Mechanical Engineering, Master of Engineering in Mechanical Engineering, Doctor of Philosophy in Mechanical Engineering or Doctor of Philosophy in Material Science. Advanced degrees are necessary for university teaching and are increasingly important in industry, particularly in the areas of new product development and research. Further details may be found in the Graduate Catalog.

Freshman YearCredits
COMX 111US - Introduction to Public Speaking (formerly COM 110US)
or CLS 101US - Knowledge and Community
M 171Q - Calculus I4  
EMEC 100 - Introduction to Mechanical Engineering1  
EMEC 103 - CAE I-Engineering Graphics Communications2  
PHSX 220 - Physics I with Calculus4  
University Core Electives3  
CHMY 141 - College Chemistry I
& CHMY 142 - College Chemistry I Lab
WRIT 101W - College Writing I1  3
M 172 - Calculus II  4
PHSX 222 - Physics II with Calculus  4
University Core Electives  3
Year Total: 17 18
Sophomore YearCredits
EGEN 201 - Engineering Mechanics-Statics3  
EMEC 203 - CAE II-Mechanical Engineering Computations2  
EMEC 250 - Mechanical Engineering Materials3  
EMAT 252 - Materials Struct and Prop Lab1  
M 273 - Multivariable Calculus4  
University Core Electives3  
EGEN 202 - Engineering Mechanics -- Dynamics  3
EGEN 205 - Mechanics of Materials  3
M 274 - Introduction to Differential Equation  4
ETME 215 - Manufacturing Processes  3
ETME 216 - Manufacturing Process Laboratory  1
EELE 250 - Circuits, Devices and Motors  4
Year Total: 16 18
Junior YearCredits
EGEN 335 - Fluid Mechanics3  
EMEC 303 - CAE III-- Systems Analysis3  
EMEC 320 - Thermodynamics I3  
EMEC 341 - Adv Mechanics of Materials3  
EGEN 350 - Applied Engineering Data Analysis2  
EMEC 321 - Thermodynamics II  3
EMEC 326 - Fundamentals of Heat Transfer  3
EMEC 342 - Mechanical Component Design  3
EMEC 360 - Measurement & Instrumentation  3
EMEC 361 - Measurement & Instrument Lab  1
EGEN 310R - Multidisciplinary Engineering Design  3
Year Total: 14 16
Senior YearCredits
EGEN 330 - Business Fundamentals for Technical Professionals3  
EMEC 445 - Mechanical Vibrations3  
EMEC 489R - Mechanical Engineering Design Capstone I2  
Professional Electives26  
EMEC 499R - Mechanical Engineering Design Capstone II  3
EGEN 488 - Fundamentals of Engineering Exam  0
Professional Electives2  6
Professional Elective - Take one of the following:  3
EMEC 405 - Finite Element Analysis
EMEC 436 - Computational Fluid Dynamics
University Core Electives  3
Year Total: 14 15
Total Program Credits: 128

Approved ME Professional Elective Courses

BCH 441Biochemistry of Macromolecules3
BIOB 425Adv Cell & Molecular Biology *3
EBIO 461Principles of Biomedical Engineering3
ECHM 424Transport Analysis3
EELE 321Introduction To Feedback Controls3
EELE 371Microprocess HW and SW Systems *4
EGEN 415Advanced Mechanics of Solids3
EGEN 435Fluid Dynamics3
EIND 313Work Design and Analysis3
EIND 410
EIND 411
Interaction Design
and Interaction Design Project
EIND 413Ergonomics & Human Factors Engineering3
EIND 425Technology Entrepreneurship3
EIND 434Project Management for Engineers3
EMAT 350Engineering Materials3
EMAT 460Polymeric Materials3
EMAT 461Friction and Wear of Materials3
EMAT 462Manufacturing of Composites3
EMAT 463Composite Materials3
EMAT 464Biomedical Materials Engineering3
EMEC 403CAE IV--Design Integration3
EMEC 405Finite Element Analysis3
EMEC 424Cellular Mechanotransduction3
EMEC 425Advanced Thermal Systems3
EMEC 426Thermodynamics of Propulsion Systems3
EMEC 430Introduction to Combustion3
EMEC 436Computational Fluid Dynamics3
EMEC 440Biomechanics of Human Movement3
EMEC 444Mech Behavior of Materials3
EMEC 447Aircraft Structures4
EMEC 462System Dynamics and Control3
EMEC 465Bio-inspired Engineering3
EMEC 466Acoustics, Engineering and the Environment3
EMEC 467Micro-Electromechanical Systems3
EMEC 490RUndergraduate Research1-3
EMEC 492Independent Study1-3
EMEC 498Internship1-3
ETME 410Computerized Numerical Control and Computer-aided Manufacturing Technology3
ETME 415Design for Manufacturing and Tooling3
ETME 422Principles of HVAC I3
ETME 430Fluid Power Systems Design3
ETME 470Renewable Energy Applications3
M 349Techniques of Applied Mathematics II3
M 441Numerical Linear Algebra & Optimization *3
M 442Numerical Solution of Differential Equations *3
M 450Applied Mathematics I3
M 451Applied Mathematics II *3
M 472Introduction to Complex Analysis3

Students cannot enroll in any course without successfully completing prerequisites and the co-requisite requirements to those prerequisite courses.

A minimum of 128 credits is required for graduation; 42 of these credits must be in courses numbered 300 and above.