English Minor: Writing

A Writing Minor offers a flexible way for students to take courses on subjects ranging from creative non-fiction and magazine editing to science writing and public rhetoric to complement other majors.

Choose seven of the following:21
Introduction to Creative Writing
Intermediate Fiction Workshop
Intermediate Poetry Workshop
Intermediate Nonfiction Workshop
Advanced Fiction Workshop
Advanced Poetry Workshop
Advanced Nonfiction Workshop
Topics in Craft and Genre
Teaching Writing in Secondary School
Introduction to Language and Linguistics
Structure and Function of Language
College Writing II
Intermediate Tech Writing
Advanced Writing
Digital Rhetorics and Multimodal Writing
Science Writing for Popular Non-Fiction
News and Pub Relations Writing
Magazine Editing
Public Rhetorics and Writing
Professional Writing
Rhetoric and Composition
Total Credits21

Students must receive a grade of "C-" or better in all required courses.  The minimum number of credits for a non-teaching minor is twenty-one, with nine of those being upper-division credits.

A minimum of four courses (12 credits) must be unique and not used to fulfill major requirements.