English Teaching Option

The English Teaching Option is designed for students who wish to become licensed to teach English in grades 5-12. Students take a sequence of six English Education courses, while also fulfilling requirements in literature, writing, and education more generally. Students in this option study how identities, languages, place, and curriculum intersect. The option emphasizes teaching and learning through a sociocultural lens and values youth as creators of knowledge. The Teacher Education Program provides admission information regarding the program, Student Teaching, Licensure, Professional Expectations and more.

Freshman YearCredits
LIT 201 - Intro to Literary Studies3  
HDFS 101IS - Indiv and Fam Dev: Lifespan3  
WRIT 101W - College Writing I3  
1 University Course Elective3  
EDU 223IS - Educ Psych and Adolescent Dev
or EDU 222IS - Educ Psych & Child Development
ENT 201 - Introduction to English Education  3
1 Lower Division Literature Elective  3
3 University Course Electives  9
Year Total: 15 18
Sophomore YearCredits
EDU 370 - Integrating Tech into Educ3  
ENT 237 - Secondary English Curriculum3  
LING 238 - Structure and Function of Language3  
WRIT 201 - College Writing II3  
CRWR 240RA - Introduction to Creative Writing3  
EDU 211D - Multicultural Education  3
2 Upper Division Literature Elective  6
2 University Course Elective  7
Year Total: 15 16
Junior YearCredits
EDU 347 - Managing the Learning Environment for K-12/Secondary2  
EDU 382 - Assessmt, Curric, Instructn3  
ENT 339 - Teaching Writing in Secondary School3  
LIT 300 - Literary Criticism3  
1 Rhetoric Elective3  
EDM 401 - Methods: 5-12 English  3
ENT 445 - Teaching Reading and Literature  3
LING 338 - Language and English Education  3
LIT 473RH - Studies in Shakespeare  3
1 University Course Elective  3
Year Total: 14 15
Senior YearCredits
EDP 304 - Practicum: 5-12/K-122  
EDP 305 - Practicum Lab: 5-12/K-121  
EDSP 306 - Exceptional Learners3  
ENT 461R - Issues in English Education3  
Upper Division Literature Elective3  
Writing or Rhetoric Elective3  
EDU 495R - Student Teaching  12
Year Total: 15 12
Total Program Credits: 120

Lower Division Literature Electives

LIT 110IHIntroduction to Literature3
LIT 169IHLiterature as Popular Culture3
LIT 202CSThe Environmental Imagination3
LIT 203IHGreat Books3
LIT 214DRegional Literature3
LIT 285DMythologies3

Upper Division Literature Electives

LIT 308Multicultural Literature3
LIT 310American Literature to 19003
LIT 311American Literature after 19003
LIT 320Advanced British Literature I 3
LIT 321Advanced British Literature II (Formerly LIT 325)3
LIT 322Advanced British Literature III (Formerly LIT 326)3
LIT 335Women and Literature3
LIT 382Literature for Children and Adolescents3
LIT 431RHStudies in Major Author/s3
LIT 437Studies in Literary Genres3
LIT 438Studies in Literary Topics3
LIT 440Studies in World Literature3
NASX 340IHNative American Literature3
NASX 440Montana Indian Literature3

Rhetoric Electives

WRIT 300Rhetorical Theory in Writing Studies3
WRIT 310Researched Writing3
WRIT 326Advanced Writing3
WRIT 371Digital Rhetorics and Multimodal Writing3
WRIT 376Public Rhetorics and Writing3

Writing Electives

CRWR 310Intermediate Fiction Workshop3
CRWR 311Intermediate Poetry Workshop3
CRWR 312Intermediate Nonfiction Workshop3
CRWR 410Advanced Fiction Workshop3
CRWR 411Advanced Poetry Workshop3
CRWR 412Advanced Nonfiction Workshop3
CRWR 437Topics in Craft and Genre3
WRIT 205Intro to Writing Studies3
WRIT 221Intermediate Tech Writing3
WRIT 300Rhetorical Theory in Writing Studies3
WRIT 310Researched Writing3
WRIT 326Advanced Writing3
WRIT 371Digital Rhetorics and Multimodal Writing3
WRIT 372Science Writing for Popular Non-Fiction3
WRIT 373News and Pub Relations Writing3
WRIT 374Magazine Editing3
WRIT 376Public Rhetorics and Writing3
WRIT 429Professional Writing3
WRIT 450Rhetoric and Composition3
Total English credits required:54
Upper division (Education and English combined) credits required:45
Total credits required for graduation:120

WRIT 101W credits count for the Core 2.0 W Requirement. These credits cannot be counted as part of the English Major-Teaching Option.

English majors may earn a non-teaching minor in another option within the department. A minimum of four courses (12 credits) must be unique and not used to fulfill major requirements.

English majors may earn a second major in another option within the department. A minimum of 11 courses (33 credits) must be unique and not used to fulfill the primary major requirements.