| |
| Economics of Ag Business | |
| Ag in a Global Context | |
| Economics of Agricultural Marketing | |
| Anthropology and the Human Experience | |
| Culture, Language, and Society | |
| Popular Culture - Japan | |
| Social Movements & Community Activism | |
| Lithic Technology | |
| Language & Culture | |
| Elementary Modern Arabic I | |
| Elementary Modern Arabic II | |
| World Architecture: Modern to Contemporary | |
| World Architecture II | |
| Architectural Study Abroad | |
| West Architectural History | |
| Non-Western Architectural History | |
| Foreign Study History | |
| Art of World Civilization II | |
| History of Asian Art and Architecture | |
| Field Study | |
| International Finance | |
| Insects and Human Society | |
| Elementary Chinese I | |
| Elementary Chinese II | |
| Historical and Literary Journey into Modern China | |
| Intermediate Chinese I | |
| Intermediate Chinese II | |
| History of Chinese Cinema | |
| Intermediate Macro with Calc | |
| Money and Banking | |
| Multicultural Education | |
| Elementary French I | |
| Elementary French II | |
| Intermediate French I | |
| Intermediate French II | |
| Histoire Civilisation | |
| La France Aujourd'hui | |
| French Text & Cinema | |
| French Literature | |
| Seminar: French Literature and Culture | |
| Undergraduate Research | |
| Human Geography | |
| Geography of World Regions | |
| Elementary German II | |
| Intermediate German I | |
| Intermediate German II | |
| German Through Cinema | |
| German Culture & Civilization | |
| Murder, Magic, and Mythology: The German Fairy Tale | |
| Seminar: German Lit and Culture | |
| American History II | |
| Western Civilization II | |
| Latin American History | |
| The Modern Middle East | |
| Modern Asia | |
| Reinventing Japan | |
| Modern World History | |
| Sci and Tech in World History | |
| 20th Century Europe | |
| History of Mexico | |
| Modern China | |
| Modern India | |
| Modern Britain | |
| Modern France | |
| Modern Germany | |
| Middle East/20th Century | |
| Eurasian Borderlands | |
| Modern Science | |
| European Intellectual History | |
| Latin Amer Social History | |
| Race in Latin America | |
| Latin American Perspectives | |
| Gender in Latin America | |
| Environ, Health & Sci in Japan | |
| Science and Medicine in China | |
| From Empire to Republic | |
| Elementary Japanese I | |
| Elementary Japanese II | |
| Japanese Culture & Civ | |
| Intermediate Japanese I | |
| Intermediate Japanese II | |
| Japanese Adv Conversations | |
| Modern Japanese Literature | |
| Outcast Literature | |
| Japanese Text and Cinema | |
| Introduction to Language and Linguistics | |
| Studies in World Literature | |
| World Music | |
| Native Cultures of North America | |
| Culturally Responsive Care in Nursing: The (Specific Culture) Experience | |
| Philosophy and Culture | |
| Philosophies of Asia | |
| History of Philosophy: Modern | |
| Introduction to International Relations | |
| International Relations Theory | |
| The Politics of War & Peace | |
| International Law | |
| Politics of Food & Hunger | |
| International Political Econ | |
| International Human Rights | |
| Psychology of Prejudice | |
| Intro to the Study of Religion | |
| Hindu Traditions | |
| Buddhist Traditions | |
| Sociology of Race & Ethnicity | |
| Population and Society | |
| Sociology of Globalization | |
| Political Sociology | |
| Elementary Spanish I | |
| Elementary Spanish II | |
| Intermediate Spanish I | |
| Intermediate Spanish II | |
| Spanish Culture & Civilization | |
| Modern Cultures Latin America | |
| Contemp Latin Amer Literature | |
| Travel in Latin Am Lit & Film | |
| Latin American Text and Cinema | |
| Hispanic Music and Poetry | |
| Latin America: Culture and Revolution | |
| Latin Amer Perspectives | |
| Seminar: Hispanic Literature | |