Hispanic Studies Minor

Freshman YearCredits
SPNS 101 - Elementary Spanish I3
SPNS 102D - Elementary Spanish II3
Year Total: 6
Sophomore YearCredits
SPNS 201D - Intermediate Spanish I3
SPNS 202D - Intermediate Spanish II3
Year Total: 6
Junior and Senior YearCredits
Take two advanced language courses from the following:6
SPNS 301 - Oral and Written Expression in Cultural Contexts (Required advanced language courses)
SPNS 302 - Spanish Oral & Written Expression II
SPNS 323 - Advanced Spanish Grammar & Pronunciation
Take at least one course on Spain from the following:3
SPNS 313 - Don Quijote
SPNS 320 - Spanish Culture & Civilization
SPNS 327 - Contemporary Spain & Nations
SPNS 342 - Spanish Literature and Art
SPNS 363IH - Spanish Cinema
Take at least one course on Latin America from the following:3
SPNS 330 - Modern Cultures Latin America
SPNS 332 - Contemp Latin Amer Literature
SPNS 333 - To Infinity and Beyond: Jorge Luis Borges
SPNS 335IH - Travel in Latin Am Lit & Film
SPNS 350 - US Latino Cultures
SPNS 351 - US Latino Literature
SPNS 352IH - U.S. Latino Text & Cinema
SPNS 361 - Latin American Text and Cinema
SPNS 371 - Latin America in Focus
SPNS 416 - Latin America: Culture and Revolution
SPNS 430 - Latin Amer Perspectives
SPNS 438 - Latin American Nature in History and Culture
SPNS 445 - Hispanic Caribbean: Cuba, Puerto Rico, Dominican Republic
Take one additional SPNS elective.3
Year Total: 15
Total Program Credits: 27