Interdisciplinary Option

Freshman YearCredits
PHSX 240 - Honors Gen & Mod Phys I*4  
M 181Q - Honors Calculus I (Recommended)
or M 171Q - Calculus I
University Core3  
Minor Specific Courses4  
PHSX 242 - Honors Gen & Mod Phys II*  4
M 182 - Honors Calculus II (Recommended)
or M 172 - Calculus II
Minor Specific Courses  4
University Core   3
Year Total: 15 15
Sophomore YearCredits
PHSX 224 - Physics III4  
M 283 - Honors Multivariable Calculus (Recommended)
or M 273 - Multivariable Calculus
PHSX 261 - Laboratory Electronics I3  
Minor Specific Courses3  
University Core1  
PHSX 200 - Research Programs in Physics  1
PHSX 262 - Laboratory Electronics II  2
PHSX 301 - Mathematical Methods in the Physical Sciences  3
M 284 - Honors Introduction to Differential Equations (Recommended)
or M 274 - Introduction to Differential Equation
Minor Specific Courses  3
University Core  2
Year Total: 15 15
Junior YearCredits
PHSX 320 - Classical Mechanics3  
PHSX 343 - Modern Physics3  
Physics Electives2  
Minor Specific Courses4  
University Core3  
PHSX 423 - Electricity and Magnetism I  3
PHSX 490R - Undergraduate Research  1
Minor Specific Courses  5
Math Electives  3
University Core  3
Year Total: 15 15
Senior YearCredits
PHSX 461 - Quantum Mechanics I3  
PHSX 490R - Undergraduate Research1  
Physics Electives 3  
Minor Specific Courses 3  
PHSX 499R - Senior Capstone Seminar  1
Electives   7
Minor Specific Courses  4
University Core  3
Year Total: 15 15
Total Program Credits: 120

* The 3 credits of mathematics electives are to be selected from M 221 and MATH and STAT courses numbered 300 and above. The 5 credits of physics electives are to be selected from PHSX courses numbered 300 and above and ASTR courses number 372 and above.  The physics electives can include no more than 1 credit of  PHSX 494 or 3 credits of PHSX 492PHSX 401, PHSX 402, PHSX 403, and PHSX 490R can not be counted towards physics electives. A minimum of 120 credits is required for graduation; 42 of these credits must be in courses numbered 300 and above.  A student changing majors or with unusual circumstances can substitute PHSX 220 for PHSX 240, or PHSX 222 for PHSX 242 with the academic advisor's approval.