Psychology Minor (Non-Teaching)

PSYX 100ISIntro to Psychology4
PSYX 222Psychological Statistics4
PSYX 225Research Design and Analysis3
Choose at least four of the following:12
Developmental Psychology
Contemporary Issues in Human Sexuality
The Psychology of Film
Psychological Testing and Assessment
Psychology of Aging
Psychology of Gender
Abnormal Psychology
Physiological Psychology
Comparative Psychology
Sensation & Perception
Drugs and Behavior
Social Psychology
Psychology of Learning
Behavior Modification
Memory & Cognition
Forensic Psychology
Health Psychology
Psychology of Personality
History & System in Psychology
Integrated Mental Health Practices
Eating Disorders
Indust & Organiz Psych
Psychology of Prejudice
Social Cognition
Advanced Behavior Analysis
Science of Psych Well-Being
Judgment & Decision Making
Special Topics
Total Credits23