English Minor: Literature

A Literature Minor offers a flexible way for students to take courses on subjects ranging from traditional offerings in American and British national literatures as well as upper division courses in specific authors, topics, and genres along with Literary Criticism, African American Literature, and Women and Literature.

Take One:3
Introduction to Literature
Intro to Literary Studies
Choose six of the following (minimum three upper division):18
Literature as Popular Culture
The Environmental Imagination
Great Books
Regional Literature
The Bible as Literature
Literary Criticism
Multicultural Literature
American Literature to 1900
American Literature after 1900
Advanced British Literature I (Formerly LIT 324)
Advanced British Literature II (Formerly LIT 325)
Advanced British Literature III (Formerly LIT 326)
Women and Literature
African American Literature
Literature for Children and Adolescents
Studies in Major Author/s
Studies in Literary Genres
Studies in Literary Topics
Studies in World Literature
Studies in Shakespeare
Note: LIT 201 and LIT 110IH can both be taken, with one as an elective
Total Credits: 21

Students must receive a grade of a "C-" or better in all required courses.  The minimum number of credits for a non-teaching minor is twenty-one, with nine of those being upper-division credits.

A minimum of four courses (12 credits) must be unique and not used to fulfill major requirements.