Department of Sociology & Anthropology
Students earning a B.S. in Anthropology obtain a broad, anthropological perspective on the study of humankind. As part of the curriculum, students are expected to become familiar with and understand the interrelationships among the diverse aspects of our humanity – both present and past. These include the biological evolution of our species, the adaptive advantage of human symbolic capacities and technological abilities, and the development of culture from earliest recognizable traces through the emergence of complex civilizations. Historical concerns include investigations of the diversity of human languages, the relationship between language and world view, the ethnography of speech practices, the cultural construction of the social and physical world, and the social and structural relationships that people use to make sense out of their daily activities. These concepts are introduced and applied through course offerings in the four sub-fields of anthropology: social/cultural anthropology, archaeology, evolutionary/biological anthropology, and linguistic anthropology. Students work closely with faculty to gain a well-grounded knowledge of anthropological theories and methods that allows them to pursue research in one or more sub-fields of study.
Anthropology is a diverse field that provides students with a solidly-grounded liberal arts education. At the same time it is a cornerstone for understanding issues of diversity in an increasingly global world. In order to gain the skills needed to pursue research, students will learn how to think critically, read in a discerning manner, formulate logical arguments, and write in a coherent fashion. The B.S. degree in Anthropology prepares students for graduate work in this discipline. Graduate degrees are typically required for professional participation in this field. In addition to professional employment as research scientists or college-level professors, anthropologists often find positions as consultants, teachers, museum curators, or as specialists in historic preservation. Equally, domestic and foreign assignments with international, federal, or state agencies and institutions, and jobs in private industry, are available. Anthropologists are also found in public service organizations, medical and public health programs, environmental organizations, non-governmental organizations, and in positions that require community organizing abilities or ethnographic and social survey research skills.
Curriculum Requirements
Students pursuing a B.S. in Anthropology are required to complete 48 credits in anthropology courses and closely related fields. This includes required courses of ANTY 101D, one of either SOCI 101IS, SOCI 150D, or SOCI 201D; ANTY 215IS, ANTY 225IS, STAT 216Q or SOCI 202, ANTY 313, ANTY 473, and either ANTY 428RS or ANTY 450R. The remaining credits are in electives: three elective credits in cultural anthropology, three elective credits in archaeology, and 18 additional elective credits. A total of 21 of the 24 elective credits in Anthropology must be upper-division (300/400 level).
In addition, Anthropology majors must complete one of the following sequences of courses:
Sequence A:
A minor or double major approved by the student's advisor: 21-27 credits
Sequence B:
18 credits of advisor approved electives
Academic advisors in anthropology work closely with each student to establish a viable educational plan. Ongoing interactions between students and advisors ensure that a student's educational objectives are being met as they move towards a degree.
Before enrolling in 300 and 400 level Anthropology courses, we strongly recommend that students complete their university Core requirements in Writing (W), Quantitative Reasoning (Q) and University Seminar (US) with a C- or better, with the Q Core completed by the end of their sophomore year. All university Core requirements must be satisfied by courses outside of those required for the Anthropology major.
Prerequisite Requirements
Any student who enrolls in a course offered by the Department of Sociology & Anthropology without successfully completing the required prerequisite(s) will be required to withdraw from the course and complete the prerequisite, unless they obtain instructor approval to remain enrolled.
Transfer Students
For Anthropology Majors, the maximum number of Anthropology transfer credits accepted is 18.