Biochemistry Option

Freshman YearCredits
BCH 194 - Seminar/Workshop1  
Please take one of the following:4  
CHMY 141 - College Chemistry I
& CHMY 142 - College Chemistry I Lab
CHMY 151 - Honors College Chemistry I
& CHMY 152 - Honors College Chemistry I Lab
STAT 216Q - Introduction to Statistics3  
University Core and Electives7  
Please take one of the following:  4
CHMY 143 - College Chemistry II
& CHMY 144 - College Chemistry II Lab
CHMY 153 - Honors College Chemistry II
& CHMY 154 - Honors College Chemistry II Lab
M 161Q - Survey of Calculus1
or M 171Q - Calculus I
BIOB 160 - Principles of Living Systems  4
University Core and Electives  3
Year Total: 15 15
Sophomore YearCredits
Please take one of the following:4  
CHMY 321 - Organic Chemistry I
& CHMY 322 - Organic Chemistry I Lab
CHMY 331 - Honors Organic Chemistry I
& CHMY 332 - Honors Organic Chemistry I Lab
Please take one of the following:
PHSX 205 - College Physics I
or PHSX 220 - Physics I with Calculus
BIOB 260 - Cellular and Molecular Biology
or CHMY 311 - Fundamental Analytical Chem
University Core and Electives3  
BCH 294 - Seminar/Workshop  1
CHMY 311 - Fundamental Analytical Chem6
or BIOB 260 - Cellular and Molecular Biology
Please take one of the following:  4
CHMY 323 - Organic Chemistry II
& CHMY 324 - Organic Chemistry II Lab
CHMY 333 - Honors Organic Chemistry II
& CHMY 334 - Honors Organic Chemistry II Lab
PHSX 207 - College Physics II
or PHSX 222 - Physics II with Calculus
University Core and Electives  3
Year Total: 15 16
Junior YearCredits
Please take one of the following sequences:25-7  
CHMY 361 - Elements of Physical Chemistry
& CHMY 362 - Elements of Physical Chemistry Lab
CHMY 371 - Physical Chemistry-Quantum Chemistry and Spectroscopy I
& CHMY 372 - Physical Chemistry Laboratory I
& CHMY 373 - Physical Chemistry - Kinetics and Thermodynamics
BCH 394 - Seminar/Workshop1  
BCH 441 - Biochemistry of Macromolecules
or BCH 442 - Metabolic Regulation
BCH 490R - Undergraduate Research33  
BIOH 320 - Biomedical Genetics3  
CHMY 490R - Undergraduate Research3  3
BCH 442 - Metabolic Regulation
or BCH 441 - Biochemistry of Macromolecules
BCH 444R - Biochemistry & Molecular Biology Methods  3
Physical and Biological Science Electives4  3
University Core and Electives  3
Year Total: 17 15
Senior YearCredits
Physical and Biological Science Electives43  
University Core and Electives9  
BCH 494 - Seminar/Workshop  1
BCH 499 - Senior Thesis/Capstone5  1
BIOB 425 - Adv Cell & Molecular Biology  3
Physical and Biological Science Electives4  3
University Core and Electives  7
Year Total: 12 15
Total Program Credits: 120

If you want to take a full year of  Physical Chemistry (CHMY 371, CHMY 372 and CHMY 373) then you will need to take  M 171Q, M 172, and M 273(see footnote 2).


Students should consider taking the full year of Physical Chemistry sequence (CHMY 371 and CHMY 372 in the fall and CHMY 373 in the spring) instead of the one-semester overview, particularly if planning to go to graduate school.  As noted in footnote 1, this sequence requires more calculus as prerequisite coursework.


Six (6) credits of  Undergraduate Research BCH 490R are tabulated.  Students are encouraged to fulfill additional credits of research up to a maximum of 12 credits of 490R research whether it be in CHMY, BCH, or another department.


A minimum of 9 credits of physical and biological science electives are required.

BCH 499 (Senior Year) is required for majors who are writing a thesis for Departmental Honors consideration.

 CHMY 311 should be taken before CHMY 361 or CHMY 371

All students are encouraged to take a 200 level English writing course. Please note that this course would be in addition to the core requirement.

A minimum of 120 credits is required for graduation; 42 of these credits must be in courses numbered 300 and above.

Acceptable Physical and Biological Sciences Electives Include

BIOB 375General Genetics3
BIOB 410Immunology3
BIOB 420Evolution3
BIOB 424Ethical Practice of Science3
BIOB 425Adv Cell & Molecular Biology3
BIOB 428RMolecular neurological disease3
BIOB 430Plant Biotechnology3
BIOB 438Developmental Mechanisms3
BIOB 476RGene Construction4
BIOB 480Conservation Genetics3
BIOB 484Population Genetics3
BIOH 320Biomedical Genetics3
BIOH 323Human Developmental Biology4
BIOH 405Hematology3
BIOH 406Hematology Laboratory1
BIOH 411Advanced Human Appendicular Anatomy4
BIOH 422Genes and Cancer3
BIOH 445Introduction to Pharmacology3
BIOH 458Human Pathophysiology3
BIOM 360General Microbiology5
BIOM 400Medical Microbiology3
BIOM 405Host-Associated Microbiomes3
BIOM 410Microbial Genetics3
BIOM 415Microbial Diversity, Ecology, and Evolution3
BIOM 419Programming for Biologists3
BIOM 421Concepts of Plant Pathology3
BIOM 425Toxicology: Science of Poisons3
BIOM 430Applied and Environmental Microbiology4
BIOM 431Medical Bacteriology3
BIOM 432Med Bacteriology Lab2
BIOM 435Virology3
BIOM 441Eukaryotic Pathogens4
BIOM 450Microbial Physiology3
BIOM 452Soil & Envirnmntl Microbiology3
BIOM 455RResearch Mthds in Microbiology4
BIOM 465Plant-Pathogen Interactions3
BIOO 310Comparative Vertebrate Anatomy4
BIOO 412Animal Physiology3
BIOO 433Plant Physiology3
BIOO 437Plant Development3
BIOO 460Plant Metabolism3
CHMY 340Environmental Chemistry3
CHMY 401Advanced Inorganic Chemistry3
CHMY 404Advanced Inorganic Techniques3
CHMY 421Advanced Instrument Analysis3
EBIO 438Bioprocess Engineering3
ENSC 466Chemical Ecology3
M 430Mathematical Biology3
NEUR 313Neurophysiology3
NEUR 425Sensory Neurophysiology3
NUTR 421Macronutrient Metabolism3
NUTR 422Micronutrient Metabolism3