BFIN - Business Finance

BFIN 205  Personal Finance: 3 Credits (3 Lec)

PREREQUISITE: Completion of University Core mathematics course. () Hasn't been offered recently. Financial concepts as they apply to daily life. Basics of consumer credit, personal investment, insurance, and personal financial planning. This course may not substitute for any required business course

BFIN 290R  Undergraduate Research: 1-6 Credits (1-6 Other)

() Offered as needed based on student demand. Directed undergraduate research/creative activity which may culminate in a written work or other creative projects. Course will address responsible conduct of research. May be repeated.
Repeatable up to 99 credits.

BFIN 291  Special Topics: 1-4 Credits (1-4 Lec)

PREREQUISITE: None required but some may be determined necessary by each offering. Offered as needed based on student demand. Courses not required in any curriculum for which there is a particular one-time need, or given on a trial basis to determine acceptability and demand before requesting a regular course number
Repeatable up to 12 credits.

BFIN 292  Independent Study: 1-3 Credits (1-3 Other)

PREREQUISITE: Consent of instructor and approval of Associate Dean. (F, Sp, Su) Directed research and study on an individual basis. Not to be used as a substitute for a required course
Repeatable up to 6 credits.

BFIN 317  American Financial Institutions: 3 Credits (3 Other)

PREREQUISITE: Sophomore standing; consent of instructor. (F) Through this course students will boost their knowledge of, and interest in, the field of finance, will learn about and visit some of America's iconic financial institutions, and will learn about their own preferences for working in their chosen field of study. Non-majors will be considered if space is available. Online registration reserved for business majors & other majors for whom this course is a degree requirement. Other interested students email to request registration

BFIN 322  Business Finance: 3 Credits (3 Lec)

PREREQUISITE: ACTG 201, ECNS 204IS, and STAT 216Q. (F, Sp, Su) Previously taken BMGT 240IS preferred. Study of the principles of finance with emphasis on the application and integration of financial concepts in decision making

BFIN 357  Financial Markets & Institutions: 3 Credits (3 Lec)

PREREQUISITE: ACTG 201, ECNS 204IS, and STAT 216Q. (F, Sp) Previously taken BMGT 240IS preferred. Develops a sound understanding of why financial markets and institutions exist, their roles in a capitalistic society, and how financial risk is managed most effectively. Focuses on applied analysis of financial institution risk, market operation, and products. Online registration reserved for business majors & other majors for whom this course is a degree requirement. Other interested students email to request registration

BFIN 420R  Investments: 3 Credits (3 Lec)

PREREQUISITE: BFIN 322 & BFIN 357, or (ECNS 313, EIND 373, & ECNS 345/AGBE 345 or EGEN 325). (F, Sp) This course explores concepts and evidence for investment portfolio management. Topics include risk and return, asset allocation, diversification, portfolio optimization, asset pricing models, performance evaluation, and portfolio management strategies. Online registration reserved for business majors & other majors for whom this course is a degree requirement. Other interested students email to request registration

BFIN 421  Real Estate Investment Analysis: 3 Credits (3 Lec)

PREREQUISITE: BFIN 322, or (EIND 373, & ECNS 345/AGBE 345 or EGEN 325). (F, Sp) To prepare students for careers in real estate, construction lending, real estate valuation, acquisition and asset management, and market and investment analysis. Much of the course material is also applicable to personal financial planning. Online registration reserved for business majors & other majors for whom this course is a degree requirement. Other interested students email to request registration

BFIN 435  Corporate Finance: 3 Credits (3 Lec)

PREREQUISITE: BFIN 322 & BFIN 357, or (ECNS 313, EIND 373, & ECNS 345/AGBE 345 or EGEN 325). (F, Sp) In-depth extension of financial management topics introduced in BFIN 322. Topics include: risk, valuation, cost of capital, capital budgeting, capital structure, and payout policy. Online registration reserved for business majors & other majors for whom this course is a degree requirement. Other interested students email to request registration

BFIN 452  International Finance: 3 Credits (1 Lec, 2 Other)

PREREQUISITE: BFIN 322, or (EIND 373, & ECNS 345/AGBE 345 or EGEN 325). (Not currently being offered because the faculty who used to teach the course left and has not been replaced yet.) Not currently being offered. Focuses on the risks associated with financial management of a multinational company. Topics include: financial problems of multinational businesses, international financial environments, long-term capital commitments to international ventures, financial techniques for firm operation, and international investing. Online registration reserved for business majors & other majors for whom this course is a degree requirement. Other interested students email to request registration

BFIN 456  Entrepreneurial Finance: 3 Credits (3 Lec)

PREREQUISITE: BFIN 322, or (EIND 373, & ECNS 345/AGBE 345 or EGEN 325). (F) Study of corporate finance issues confronting entrepreneurial firms. Focus is on financial forecasting and assessing financial needs. Students utilize fundamental financial principles to make small-business decisions. Topics include: strategic financing, financing alternatives, financial contracting, venture valuation, real options, and risk-sharing. Online registration reserved for business majors & other majors for whom this course is a degree requirement. Other interested students email to request registration

BFIN 458  Commercial Bank Management: 3 Credits (3 Lec)

PREREQUISITE: BFIN 322, or (EIND 373, & ECNS 345/AGBE 345 or EGEN 325). (Fall or Spring depending on staffing ) Management of commercial banks, with emphasis on community banking issues. Course emphasizes measurement and control of key banking risks, methods of credit and collateral analysis, and overview of bank regulatory environment. Course includes issues in contemporary banking. Online registration reserved for business majors & other majors for whom this course is a degree requirement. Other interested students email to request registration

BFIN 460  Derivative Securities and Risk Management: 3 Credits (3 Lec)

PREREQUISITE: M 161Q or M 171Q, BFIN 322 and BFIN 357, or combo of ECNS 313, EIND 373, and ECNS 345/AGBE 345 or EGEN 325. (F, Sp) Introduction to derivative securities, their markets and their relation to the markets for real and financial assets. Focuses on the trading and valuation of derivative securities (futures, options, etc.), and their role in financial risk management for financial institutions and corporations. Online registration reserved for business majors & other majors for whom this course is a degree requirement. Other interested students email to request registration

BFIN 461  Portfolio Management: 3 Credits (3 Other)

PREREQUISITE: BFIN 322. (F, Sp) Students learn how to analyze a company from an investment standpoint and manage the DA Davidson Student Investment Program portfolio. Students apply portfolio theory to create an optimized version of the portfolio and compare its performance to the actual portfolio. Online registration reserved for business majors & other majors for whom this course is a degree requirement. Other interested students email to request registration
Repeatable up to 6 credits.

BFIN 490R  Undergrad Research: 1-6 Credits (1 Other)

PREREQUISITE: Senior standing and consent of instructor. () Offered as needed based on student demand. For business majors: formal admission to the College of Business. Directed undergraduate research/creative activity which may culminate in a research paper, journal article, or undergraduate thesis. Course will address responsible conduct of research
Repeatable up to 12 credits.

BFIN 491  Special Topics: 1-4 Credits (1-4 Lec)

Offered as needed based on student demand.

BFIN 492  Independent Study: 1-3 Credits (1-3 Other)

PREREQUISITE: Junior standing, consent of instructor, and approval of Associate Dean. (F, Sp, Su) Directed research and study on an individual basis. Not to be used as a substitute for a required course
Repeatable up to 6 credits.

BFIN 494  Seminar/Workshop: 1 Credits (1 Other)

PREREQUISITE: Junior standing and as determined for each offering. Topics offered at the upper-division level which are not covered in regular courses. Students participate in preparing and presenting discussion material
Repeatable up to 4 credits.

BFIN 498  Internship: 1-12 Credits (1-12 Other)

(F, Sp, Su) An individualized assignment arranged with an agency, business, or other organization to provide guided experience in the field. Directed research and study on an individual basis.
Repeatable up to 12 credits.

BFIN 530  Accounting and Finance for the Entrepreneur: 3 Credits (3 Lec)

(F) Every business course has broad responsibilities so in this course we help develop the analytical thinking required to view business as an integrated whole rather than a set of isolated areas of concentration.