BGEN - Business: General

BGEN 104US  Business & Entrepreneurship Fundamentals Seminar: 3 Credits (3 Other)

(F) University Seminar Core objectives are integrated into an interactive course that focuses on improving critical thinking, writing, and oral presentation skills while developing an entrepreneurial mindset and an understanding of fundamental business concepts in management, marketing, accounting and finance. Intended for first semester freshmen.

BGEN 105  Introduction to Business: 3 Credits (2 Lec)

(2 Lec,1 Rct) This course provides an overview of business from a broad perspective. Topics covered include business ownership, free enterprise, management, human resources, marketing, finance, and accounting and data systems.

BGEN 204  Business Fundamentals: 3 Credits (3 Lec)

(F, Sp) This interactive course will introduce students to the fundamentals of business and entrepreneurship. The course is designed as an overview of business including accounting and finance, marketing, management, entrepreneurship, and leadership while weaving business ethics throughout each topic. The materials encompass a broad range of industries, businesses, and issues.

BGEN 210  Accounting and Finance Basics: 3 Credits (3 Lec)

PREREQUISITE: M 105Q (formerly M 145Q), M 121Q, STAT 216Q, or level 4 or 5 math course. (F, Sp) Basics of accounting and finance for non-business students. Topics include fundamentals of accounting, financial statement and budget preparation/analysis, financial analysis/control, working capital management, time value of money, capital investment & financing decisions. May not be substituted for a course required for the business major

BGEN 215  Career Readiness: 2 Credits (2 Lec)

(F, Sp) BGEN 215 is designed to guide students through the development of an action plan for their academic and career goals. Through self-assessment, research, and analysis students will create a roadmap for their academic and professional careers. This course is intended for business freshman and to follow BGEN 104US. Online registration reserved for business majors other majors for whom this course is a degree requirement. Other interested students email to request registration.

BGEN 235  Business Law: 3 Credits (3 Lec)

The course will emphasize business ethics, contracts, and employment obligations, including sales, agency, and tort law. The course content will help business leaders make informed decisions based on the philosophical, legal, and historical aspects of the regulatory environment.

BGEN 242D  Introduction to International Business: 3 Credits (3 Lec)

(Sp, Su) Introduces topics of globalization: differences in political economies, culture, legal systems, and ethical standards; international trade laws; issues in foreign direct investment trade alliances; global economic, financial, marketing, and human resource challenges; and organizational and strategic issues for international business.

BGEN 291  Special Topics: 2 Credits ()

Offered as needed based on student demand.

BGEN 302  Career Perspectives: 1 Credits (1 Lec)

PREREQUISITE: Business major and BMGT 205. (F, Sp) This highly interactive course helps students manage their career planning for business-related fields with an emphasis on pro-active career exploration and planning. Topics include self-assessment, researching career information, understanding the job search process, interviewing skills, and professionalism

BGEN 361  Principles of Business Law: 3 Credits (3 Lec)

(F, Sp, Su) Sophomore standing required. Survey of the U.S. legal system, business ethics, and the following areas of law: civil procedure, torts, contracts, UCC Article 2, intellectual property, employment, agency, and organizational forms. Emphasis on written and oral communication skills, critical thinking, and collaborative learning.

BGEN 365  International Practicum: 3 Credits (3 Lec)

PREREQUISITES: Consent of instructor; junior standing; admission to College preferred. Non-majors will be considered if space is available
Intensive study of culture, customs, politics, history, and business practices of another country. Program culminates with extended visit to location for lectures, and other relevant activities.

BGEN 499  Senior Thesis/Capstone: Strategy Seminar: 4 Credits (1 Lec, 3 Other)

PREREQUISITE: BMGT 335, BMIS 311 or BMIS 312, BMGT 322, BMKT 325, BFIN 322, and BGEN 361, and consent of instructor. (F, Sp, Su) This course is taken the last semester prior to graduation. Explores how firms achieve competitive advantage in the context of single and multi-business firms using the tools of strategic analysis. Online registration reserved for business majors & other majors for whom this course is a degree requirement. Other interested students email to request registration

BGEN 510  Innovation Sprint 1: 1 Credits (1 Lec)

(F) This course will begin with introductory modules the first two days and the presentation of a problem, teamwork and coaching over the next two days, and formal presentations to the leadership board on the fifth day.

BGEN 515  Innovation Sprint 2: 1 Credits (1 Lec)

(Sp) In this course students will be introduced to the dynamic of having a real-world business problem that must be solved with a cross-functional team in a compressed amount of time and briefed to senior leadership.

BGEN 520  Life Design and Career Development 1: 2 Credits (2 Lec)

(F) A professional career is a journey of guided self-discovery, growth, and fulfillment that requires focused effort. This course is designed to help students build the personal and professional development skills that they will apply over the lifetime of their career.