EQUS - Equine Sciences
EQUS 206 Equine Ethology: Understanding Horse Behavior: 3 Credits (3 Lec)
PREREQUISITE: ANSC 100. (F) Equine Ethology is a course designed to teach students the science of horse behavior from an evolutionary, biologic, physiologic and genetic perspective. This course provides students a foundation for more sensitive and informed care, management and handling
EQUS 233 Horse Science and Mgt Lab: 2 Credits (2 Lab)
PREREQUISITE: ANSC 100. (F) Laboratory designed to familiarize students with approved management practices for horse enterprises
EQUS 238 Horse Sales Preparation and Marketing: 2 Credits (1 Lec, 1 Other)
PREREQUISITE: ANSC 100, WRIT 101W and COMX 111US or AGED 140US. () Course will explore the basic sales and marketing components necessary to successfully execute a horse auction and competition. Emphasis will be placed on the development of sale catalog, promotional material through print and web media, event setup, and management of sale and student competition
EQUS 290R Undergraduate Research: 1-6 Credits (1-6 Other)
PREREQUISITE: Consent of instructor and approval of department head. (F, Sp, Su) Directed undergraduate research which may culminate in a written work or other creative project. Course will address responsible conduct of research
Repeatable up to 99 credits.
EQUS 291 Special Topics: 1-4 Credits (1-4 Lec)
PREREQUISITE: None required but some may be determined necessary by each offering department. Courses not required in any curriculum for which there is a particular one-time need, or given on a trial basis to determine acceptability and demand before requesting a regular course number
Repeatable up to 12 credits.
EQUS 292 Independent Study: 1-3 Credits (1-3 Other)
PREREQUISITE: Consent of instructor and approval of department head. (F, Sp, Su) Directed research and study on an individual basis
Repeatable up to 6 credits.
EQUS 327 Equine Lameness: 3 Credits (3 Lec)
PREREQUISITE: ANSC 100, ANSC 265/266, and EQUS 347. (F) This course is structured to familiarize students with the many types of lameness in the horse. Students will be instructed on the correlation between anatomy, conformation, locomotion and lameness. Selected diseases of the bones, joints, and soft tissue will be discussed. Significant time will also be spent on lameness diagnosis, treatment, prognosis, as well as shoeing principles for sound and lame horses
EQUS 346 Equine Reproductive Management: 4 Credits (3 Lec, 1 Lab)
PREREQUISITE: ANSC 100, ANSC 265/266, ANSC 321, and ANSC 322. (Sp) This course is designed to familiarize students with the reproduction in horses. Students will be instructed on the appropriate methods for management of the stallion, mare and foal. The curriculum will also include equipment and facilities use, as well as management of a breeding facility
EQUS 347 Equine Form to Function: 3 Credits (2 Lec, 1 Lab)
PREREQUISITE: ANSC 265, ANSC 266, and Junior standing. (Sp) Development of methods for analyzing a horse's conformation along with a good understanding of anatomy and its relationship to performance
EQUS 423 Equine Nutrition: 3 Credits (3 Lec)
PREREQUISITE: ANSC 320 and Junior standing or consent of instructor. (F) PREREQUISITE: ANSC 320 and Junior standing. Provide students an understanding of digestive anatomy and physiology, nutrient digestion and metabolism, nutrient requirements, and feeding management. Clinical nutritional strategies will be applied to common health problems including metabolic, genetic, and infectious diseases
EQUS 424 Equine Exercise Physiology: 3 Credits (3 Lec)
PREREQUISITE: ANSC 265/266, ANSC 320, EQUS 347 This course seeks to provide a detailed understanding of equine exercise physiology. (Sp) Topics covered: Physiological interactions of various systems during exercise, conditioning, training, and athletic performance; conditioning and training regimes and methods of assessing athletic fitness in horses
EQUS 430 Horse Management: 4 Credits (3 Lec, 1 Lab)
PREREQUISITE: ANSC 265/266, ANSC 320, ANSC 321, and ANSC 322. (Sp) Horse management and problems with emphasis on behavior, nutrition, reproduction, and management programs
EQUS 490R Undergrad Research: 1-6 Credits (1-6 Other)
PREREQUISITE: Consent of instructor and approval of department head. (F, Sp, Su) Directed undergraduate research which may culminate in a research paper, journal article, or undergraduate thesis
Repeatable up to 12 credits.
EQUS 491 Special Topics: 1-4 Credits ()
PREREQUISITE: Course prerequisites as determined for each offering. Courses not required in any curriculum for which there is a particular one-time need, or given on a trial basis to determine acceptability and demand before requesting a regular course number
Repeatable up to 12 credits.
EQUS 492 Independent Study: 1-3 Credits (1-3 Other)
PREREQUISITE: Junior standing, consent of instructor and approval of department head. (F, Sp, Su) Directed research and study on an individual basis
Repeatable up to 6 credits.
EQUS 494 Seminar: 1 Credits (1 Other)
PREREQUISITE: Junior standing and as determined for each offering. Offered as needed based on student demand. Topics offered at the upper division level which are not covered in regular courses. Students participate in preparing and presenting discussion material
Repeatable up to 4 credits.
EQUS 498 Equine Internship: 1-3 Credits (1-3 Other)
PREREQUISITE: ANSC 202, EQUS 206 and junior standing or above and consent of Instructor. (F, Sp, Su) An individualized assignment arranged with an agency, business, or other organization to provide guided experience in the equine field specifically. Offered F, S, Su
Repeatable up to 6 credits.