BMIS - Business: Mgmt Info Systems

BMIS 211  Data Analytics I: 3 Credits (3 Lec)

PREREQUISITE: M121Q or higher math course, or placement into math level 400 or higher. (F, Sp, Su) Students acquire skills to build data models in MS Excel and MS Access as personal and professional decision support tools. Students also analyze model output to make effective decisions

BMIS 311  Management Information Systems: 3 Credits (3 Lec)

PREREQUISITE: BMIS 211 and ACTG 201. (F, Sp, Su) A survey of the uses of information in organizational management, with emphasis on strategic systems and systems to support managerial decision making. Students apply concepts in practical application projects using currently available software

BMIS 312  Data Analytics II: 3 Credits (3 Lec)

PREREQUISITE: STAT 216Q and BMIS 211. (F, Sp) Sources of organizational data, data cleaning and transformation, and tools and techniques to conduct effective descriptive data analysis and visualization for purposes of organizational decision making. Emphasis is on application of tools and interpretation of analysis. Online registration reserved for business majors & other majors for whom this course is a degree requirement. Other interested students email to request registration

BMIS 491  Special Topics: 1-5 Credits ()

Offered as needed based on student demand.