GDSN - Graphic Design

GDSN 223  Typography Principles: 4 Credits (2 Lec, 2 Lab)

PREREQUISITE: MART 122, ARTZ 109IA, ARTZ 105IA, MART 145RA and ARTZ 110RA. (F) This course introduces fundamentals of typography, as a technical skill and an expressive medium. Projects progress from letter, to word, to paragraph to page — emphasizing typography as a design process through exploration, experimentation, selection, critique, and refinement. (Fall semester only)

GDSN 224  Form and Content: 4 Credits (2 Lec, 2 Lab)

PREREQUISITE: GDSN 223. (Sp) This course incorporates further exploration of design principles with an increased refinement of typographic skills and visual communications through the visual organization, typography, and image-making techniques. (Spring semester only)

GDSN 265  Quickfire Course: 1 Credits (1 Lab)

PREREQUISITE: ARTZ 109IA, ARTZ 105IA, ARTZ 110RA. (F, Sp) In this fast-paced course, students explore specific design themes within the graphic design profession. After completion, students will be able to efficiently translate their own ideas and concepts into graphic design as they relate to each course topic
Repeatable up to 3 credits.

GDSN 266  Letterpress Research Trip: 1 Credits (1 Other)

PREREQUISITE: ARTZ 109IA and ARTZ 105IA and ARTZ 110RA. (Su) Majors only. This quick-fire research trip is an experience in the history, practice, and exploration of letterpress related to place. Students will be immersed in a five-day research trip and will be exposed to letterpress at multiple levels through various outlets to help inform professional practicum after school
Repeatable up to 2 credits.

GDSN 291  Special Topics: 1-5 Credits (1-5 Other)

PREREQUISITE: Course prerequisites are determined for each offering. Offered as needed based on student demand. Courses not required in any curriculum for which there is a one-time need, or given on a trial basis to determine acceptability and demand before requesting a regular course number
Repeatable up to 15 credits.

GDSN 361  Teton Digital: 3 Credits (3 Lec)

PREREQUISITE: Consent of department and sophomore standing. An intensive field workshop located in the Jackson, Wyoming area and Grand Teton National Park using a Digital camera to create fine art digital prints. This course is designed for individuals with a working knowledge of photographic basics and a fundamental familiarity with their own equipment that desire to explore the new media of the digital print

GDSN 366  History of Graphic Design: 3 Credits (3 Lec)

PREREQUISITE: GDSN 224 and passing portfolio review. (F) This course is a historical perspective of technological breakthroughs, social achievements, and both theoretically and visually-driven movements pertaining to the field of graphic design

GDSN 367  Identity Systems: 5 Credits (2 Lec, 3 Lab)

PREREQUISITE: GDSN 224 and passing portfolio review. (Su) Offered in rotation with other GDSN 300 level 5 credit courses. Development of identity systems focusing on logo design and the systematic approach for the logo's application across a range of media including packaging, advertising collateral, stationery, and web development. Special focus on conceptual thinking and research

GDSN 368  Art Direction: 5 Credits (2 Lec, 3 Lab)

PREREQUISITE: GDSN 224 and passing portfolio review. (Su) Offered in rotation with other GDSN 300 level 5 credit courses. This course is an examination of art direction as a skill, as it relates to contemporary advertising and marketing. Students evaluate current advertising platforms such as posters; magazines; outdoor boards and existing new media platforms

GDSN 369  Publication Design: 5 Credits (2 Lec, 3 Lab)

PREREQUISITE: GDSN 224 and passing portfolio review. (Su) Offered in rotation with other GDSN 300 level 5 credit courses. This course explores the research, design, and presentation of complex print communication documents using Adobe InDesign and other software. Students will explore multi-page layouts, such as books, magazines and other professional projects

GDSN 371  Motion Graphics: 5 Credits (2 Lec, 3 Lab)

PREREQUISITE: GDSN 224 and passing portfolio review. (Su) Offered in rotation with other GDSN 300 level 5 credit courses. This course explores design issues unique to contemporary time-based digital media to articulate and construct conceptual solutions utilizing visual narrative, motion, and sound

GDSN 372  Interaction Design: 5 Credits (2 Lec, 3 Lab)

PREREQUISITE: GDSN 224 and passing portfolio review. (Su) Offered in rotation with other GDSN 300 level 5 credit courses. This course explores making interactive experiences for mobile and web design through research, content development, with a focus on user experience (UX) and user interface (UI) design. Incorporates prototyping with Adobe XD CC, highlighting UX design workflows and best practices

GDSN 373  Illustration: 5 Credits (2 Lec, 3 Lab)

PREREQUISITE: GDSN 224, and passing portfolio review. (Su) Offered in rotation with other GDSN 300 level 5 credit courses. This course investigates specialized illustration techniques and concepts to create artwork in both emerging and traditional formats using Adobe Illustrator along with other media

GDSN 374  Digital Visualization: 5 Credits (2 Lec, 3 Lab)

PREREQUISITE: GDSN 224, and passing portfolio review. (Su) Offered in rotation with other GDSN 300 level 5 credit courses. This course examines computer-based image generation techniques including Adobe Photoshop along with other digital imaging apps. Students explore digital mock-up presentation methods and professional-level projects

GDSN 375  Letterpress: 5 Credits (2 Lec, 3 Lab)

PREREQUISITE: GDSN 224 and passing portfolio review. (Su) Offered in rotation with other GDSN 300 level 5 credit courses. This course utilizes movable type and hand-operated platen and cylinder printing presses to design and print several creative projects, including posters, artist books and postcards evaluated through formal critique and visual communication strategies

GDSN 376  Screenprinting: 5 Credits (2 Lec, 3 Lab)

PREREQUISITE: GDSN 224 and passing portfolio review. (Su) Offered in rotation with other GDSN 300 level 5 credit courses. This course explores screenprinting techniques utilizing drawn, monotype, digital, and photo-generated processes with the goal of translating visual communication strategies into multi-layered printed editions

GDSN 377  Design for Society: 5 Credits (2 Lec, 3 Lab)

PREREQUISITE: GDSN 224 and passing portfolio review and Consent of department. (Su) Offered in rotation with other GDSN 300 level 5 credit courses. This course is an examination of the role of design for the social good. Students will interact with local, national, and/or global communities through a series of professional projects

GDSN 378  Guerrilla Advertising: 5 Credits (2 Lec, 3 Lab)

PREREQUISITE: GDSN 224 or consent of instructor. (Sp) This course asks students to stretch the boundaries of traditional advertising solutions by placing their work in unusual contexts for maximum impact. The workshop-like atmosphere involves quick-fire problem solving sessions, working outdoors, guest critiques and socially-driven solutions

GDSN 391  Special Topics: 1-4 Credits ()

(Su) Offered as needed based on student demand.
Repeatable up to 15 credits.

GDSN 465  Professional Studio: 5 Credits (2 Lec, 3 Lab)

PREREQUISITE: GDSN 223, GDSN 224, passing portfolio review, completion of GDSN junior year. (F) This capstone course requires completion of a self-directed project through in-depth research, writing and making—offering an opportunity to specialize prior to entering the job market. Includes a professional field trip to a metro area. (Fall semester only)

GDSN 491  Special Topics: 1-5 Credits (5 Lec, 5 Other)

PREREQUISITE: Course prerequisites are determined for each offering. Offered as needed based on student demand. Courses not required in any curriculum for which there is a one-time need, or given on a trial basis to determine acceptability and demand before requesting a regular course number
Repeatable up to 15 credits.

GDSN 492  Independent Study: 1-5 Credits (1-5 Other)

PREREQUISITE: Junior standing in Graphic Design. (F, Sp) This course facilitates students working on a self-directed basis with a faculty mentor in developing projects with a graphic design focus. A written and signed contract in collaboration with the student and their faculty mentor is required prior to registering for this class
Repeatable up to 15 credits.

GDSN 498  Internship: 2-12 Credits (2-12 Other)

PREREQUISITE: Junior standing, consent of instructor, and approval of the faculty liaison. (F, Sp) An individualized assignment arranged with an agency, business, or other organization to provide guided experience and mentorship in the profession. A written and signed contract with the student, business contact and the faculty liaison is required prior to registering
Repeatable up to 12 credits.

GDSN 499  Senior Portfolio: 5 Credits (2 Lec, 3 Lab)

PREREQUISITE: GDSN 465. (Sp) This course will prepare students for professional job positions as they transition from student to designer outside of the university. The course will provide directed undergraduate research and creative activity, which culminates in a professional portfolio. (Spring semester only)