HDFP - Human Devel Family Fin Plan

HDFP 510  Fundamentals of Family Financial Planning: 3 Credits (3 Lec)

PREREQUISITE: Graduate standing. (F, Sp, Su) This course provides an overview of family financial planning by integrating concepts and issues with planning and counseling applications. Students will be introduced to the key concepts of family financial planning, including: insurance, tax investments, retirement, and estate planning. The family financial planning process is introduced with an emphasis on the integration and application of concepts in meeting individual and family financial goals and objectives. Other topics presented include an ethics overview, compensation trends within the industry, and regulatory frameworks. This course is offered as a distance-delivered course from Oklahoma State University

HDFP 515  Insurance Planning for Families: 3 Credits (3 Lec)

PREREQUISITE: Graduate standing. (F, Sp, Su) The course covers risk management concepts, tools, and strategies for individuals and families, as well as ethical consideration. Case studies provide experience in selecting insurance

HDFP 520  Investing for Family's Future: 3 Credits (3 Lec)

PREREQUISITE: Graduate standing. (F, Sp) This course covers various aspects of the principles of investments and their application to family financial planning. Topics include risk analysis, risk reduction, expected returns of various investments, and the nature of securities markets and investment companies

HDFP 525  Retirement Planning, Employee Benefits, and Families: 3 Credits (3 Lec)

PREREQUISITE: Graduate standing. (F, Sp) This course covers retirement planning for the individual and the family. Topics include qualified retirement plans, nonqualified plans, IRAs and other plans that offer tax advantages to the individual and family

HDFP 530  Estate Planning for Families: 3 Credits (3 Lec)

PREREQUISITE: Graduate standing. (F, Sp) Course covers the basics of estate planning for families including understanding the basic elements of estate planning, analyzing case studies of estate planning situations, and developing skills to work with families on estate planning problems

HDFP 540  Personal Income Taxation: 3 Credits (3 Lec)

PREREQUISITE: Graduate standing. (F, Sp) Course covers the basics of personal income taxation including taxation terminology, taxation issues in investments, taxes and retirement planning, tax management techniques, tax implications in marriage and other close relationships, and other tax topics related to family financial well-being

HDFP 545  Financial Theory and Research I: 3 Credits (3 Lec)

PREREQUISITE: Graduate standing. (Sp, Su) This course introduces students to the social science of family relationships as they relate to processes of family finance and financial planning. The course will cover several theories of family development and functioning, the family as an economic unit, and the interaction of the economy and families. This course is designed to help financial planning students better understand the financial decision-making processes of families through theoretical frameworks and published research

HDFP 550  Housing/Real Estate: 3 Credits (3 Lec)

PREREQUISITE: Graduate standing. (F, Su) An overview of the role of housing and real estate in the financial planning process from a theoretical perspective. Taxation, legal aspects, mortgages, and financial calculations related to home ownership and real estate investments are included. New and emerging issues in the context of housing and real estate will be emphasized. The role of ethics in financial planning with housing and real estate will also be included. This course is offered as a distance-delivered course from Oklahoma State University

HDFP 555  Financial Counseling: 3 Credits (3 Lec)

PREREQUISITE: Graduate standing. (F, Sp) This course emphasizes the development of professional skills for assisting individuals and families to become responsible financial managers through the financial counseling process. Professionals with financial counseling preparation may assist in preventing, alleviating, and/or eliminating financial problems

HDFP 560  Professional Practices in Family Financial Planning: 3 Credits (3 Lec)

PREREQUISITE: Graduate standing. (Sp) This course will cover the professional practice of family financial planning including the process of planning and counseling, ethics of professional practice, types of organizations offering planning and counseling services, and the evaluation of effectiveness in planning and counseling

HDFP 565  Military Personal Finance: 3 Credits (3 Lec)

(F, Su) Majors in FFPO-MS only. This course offers an overview of topics relevant to the financial planning process and adapts the topics to unique needs, terminology, benefits, and resources that impact military service members and their families. The subject matter includes status of service members, financial readiness, financial management, recordkeeping, cash flow management, risk management, credit and debt management, savings, education planning, investment management, tax management, retirement management, estate management, and special topics.

HDFP 572  Financial Plan Case Studies: 3 Credits (3 Lec)

PREREQUISITE: Graduate standing. (F, Sp, Su) This course is a capstone course in the family financial planning master's and involves the analysis and presentation of case studies that require the application of all material gained in the master's courses to the financial planning process for families

HDFP 575  Professional Paper: 3-6 Credits (3-6 Other)

PREREQUISITE: Graduate standing. (F, Sp, Su) A research or professional paper or project dealing with a topic in the field. The topic must have been mutually agreed upon by the student and his or her major advisor and graduate committee
Repeatable up to 6 credits.

HDFP 576  Professional Practicum: 3 Credits (3 Lec)

PREREQUISITE: Graduate standing and consent of instructor. (F, Sp, Su) Practicum experience in the field of family financial planning

HDFP 590  Thesis: 1-10 Credits (1-10 Other)

PREREQUISITE: Master's standing. (F, Sp, Su) Majors in FFPO-MS only. Directed graduate research/creative activity
Repeatable up to 99 credits.

HDFP 591  Special Topics: 1-4 Credits (1-4 Lec)

PREREQUISITE: Upper division courses and others as determined for each offering. Courses not required in any curriculum for which there is a particular one-time need, or given on a trial basis to determine acceptability and demand before requesting a regular course number
Repeatable up to 4 credits.

HDFP 592  Individual Problems: 1-3 Credits (1-3 Other)

(Su) Majors in FFPO-MS only. Directed research and study on an individual basis.
Repeatable up to 6 credits.

HDFP 594  Seminar: 3 Credits (1-3 Other)

(Su) Graduate standing in FFPO-MS program or seniors by petition. Course prerequisites as determined for each offering. Topics offered at the graduate level which are not covered in regular courses. Students participate in preparing and presenting discussion material.
Repeatable up to 4 credits.