LING - Linguistics
LING 210IH Introduction to Language and Linguistics: 3 Credits (3 Lec)
Examines the nature and function of linguistic systems, the psychology of language, the relationship between language and culture, usage patterns, linguistic variety and change, and levels of linguistic analysis.
LING 238 Structure and Function of Language: 3 Credits (3 Lec)
Focused study of how meaning is made in the English language, primarily through grammar. From parts of speech to sentence construction, this course will assist students in evaluating literary writing styles as well as in improving their own.
LING 338 Language and English Education: 3 Credits (3 Lec)
(Sp) Explores the various roles language has in secondary English pedagogy and policy. Special attention given to issues related to language diversity, language and identity, discourse analysis, and socio-political functions of language.