MUSE - Music-Education
MUSE 123 Techniques: Voice: 1 Credits (1 Lab)
PREREQUISITE: Music Major or consent of instructor
COREQUISITE: MUSI 124 and MUSI 137. (F) Students develop voice production and performance skills for solo and small group singing through a lab setting
MUSE 130 Techniques: Flute & Clarinet: 1 Credits (2 Lab)
Teaching techniques, materials and basic playing approaches for flute and clarinet. For music education students.
MUSE 131 Techniques: Sax, Oboe, Bassoon: 1 Credits (2 Lab)
Teaching techniques, materials, and basic playing approaches for saxophone, oboe, and bassoon. For music education students.
MUSE 132 Techniques: Brass: 1 Credits (2 Lab)
Teaching techniques, materials, and basic playing approaches for brass instruments. For music education students.
MUSE 134 Techniques: Percussion: 1 Credits (2 Lab)
Teaching techniques, materials, and basic playing approaches for percussion. For music education students.
MUSE 135 Techniques: Strings: 1 Credits (2 Lab)
Teaching techniques, materials, and basic playing approaches for strings. For music education students.
MUSE 140 Lab Instrumental Ensemble: 1 Credits (2 Lab)
Repertoire suitable for beginning and advanced secondary school ensembles (band and/or orchestra) will be reviewed. Students are asked to play their secondary instrument. May be repeated.
Repeatable up to 8 credits.
MUSE 141 Laboratory Choral Ensemble: 1 Credits (2 Lab)
Repertoire suitable for beginning and advanced secondary school vocal ensembles will be reviewed. The ensemble will present a recital at the end of the semester under the direction of student conductors. May be repeated.
Repeatable up to 8 credits.
MUSE 220 Intro to Comp App Music Ed: 2 Credits (1 Lec, 1 Lab)
PREREQUISITE: Music Education Major An introduction to computer applications in music, including music notation, marching band and basic music notation, marching band and basic musicianship software programs, as well as audio recording. This course is particularly geared toward music education majors
MUSE 239 Beginning Conducting: 1 Credits (2 Lab)
PREREQUISITE: MUSI 124 and MUSI 137 and MUSI 135. (Sp) This course will introduce students to the aural and technical skills necessary to conduct an ensemble. It provides an introduction to practice strategies, issues related to movement and sound and basic conducting technique
MUSE 290R Undergraduate Research: 1-6 Credits (1-6 Other)
irected undergraduate research/creative activity which may culminate in a written work or other creative project. Course will address responsible conduct of research.
Repeatable up to 99 credits.
MUSE 291 Special Topics: 1-6 Credits (1 Other)
PREREQUISITE: None required but some may be determined necessary by each offering department. Courses not required in any curriculum for which there is a particular one-time need, or given on a trial basis to determine acceptability and demand
Repeatable up to 12 credits.
MUSE 339 Conducting Practicum: 1 Credits (2 Lab)
Leadership of ensemble, opportunity to apply rehearsal techniques and conducting skills learned in MUSI 335 or MUSI 336. Experience teaching in small ensemble setting.
MUSE 340 Marching Band Techniques: 2 Credits (2 Lec)
COREQUISITE: MUSI 155. Organization, administration, and creative skills necessary for directing a successful public school marching band
MUSE 383 Assessment in Music Education: 3 Credits (3 Lec)
PREREQUISITE: EDU 222IS or EDU 223IS. Fundamental concepts of differentiated educational assessment for classroom teachers including the alignment of assessment to curriculum standards and essential understandings, quality of assessment, evaluation of student responses, interpretation of results, and improvement of techniques
MUSE 395 Tchng Practicum: General Music: 1-3 Credits (6 Lab)
Students will be assigned to school classrooms to observe children, teachers, and teaching strategies and to serve as teacher aides. Students will teach lessons in subject areas corresponding to the methods classes in which they are currently enrolled.
Repeatable up to 99 credits.
MUSE 397 Methods: General Music: 3 Credits (3 Lec)
PREREQUISITE: MUSI 241, MUSI 235, MUSE 383, and good standing in Teacher Education Program
COREQUISITE: MUSE 395. (F) Elementary music methods for the music education majors; in-depth study and application of elementary music methods using singing, listening, instrument playing, creating, and movement; materials, management, sequencing, planning, and assessment for K-6 music classes
MUSE 437 Instrumental Field Experience: 1 Credits (2 Lab)
A field experience in secondary (grades 5-12) instrumental music situations prior to student teaching. Observations, interviews, and brief teaching experiences with music ensembles at the secondary level.
MUSE 439 Choral Field Experience: 1 Credits (2 Lab)
A field experience in secondary (grades 5-12) choral music situations prior to student teaching. Observations, interviews, and brief teaching experiences with music ensembles at the secondary level.
MUSE 445 Studio Teaching Experience: 2 Credits (2 Other)
PREREQUISITE: Senior standing and one of the following: MUSI 438, MUSI 442, MUSI 432. Supervised teaching in student's performance area. May be repeated
Repeatable up to 4 credits.
MUSE 497MC Methods: Chrl Mthds & Lit 5-12: 3 Credits (3 Lec)
COREQUISITE: MUSE 439. Rehearsal techniques, materials, literature, strategies for classroom management and the administration of the choral program for the middle school and high school choral instructor
MUSE 497MI Methods: Inst Mthds & Lit 5-12: 3 Credits (3 Lec)
COREQUISITE: MUSE 437. Rehearsal techniques, materials, literature, strategies for classroom management and the administration of the instrumental program for the middle school band and orchestra teacher
MUSE 530 Music, Society, Education: 3 Credits (3 Lec)
PREREQUISITE: EDEL 410, EDSD 410 Philosophical, historical, psychological and social foundations of music education. Music in public education, music curricula, aesthetics, and music learning theory
MUSE 531 Contemporary Issues in Music Education: 3 Credits (3 Lec)
Exploration of contemporary issues and problems in music education including curricular developments, teaching methodology, innovations, and multidisciplinary concepts within K-12 music education.
MUSE 532 Music Ed: Res and Practice: 3 Credits (3 Lec)
PREREQUISITE: EDEL 410, EDSD 410 Examination and close study of research in music education and its implications for practice
MUSE 535 Teaching Music Literacy: 2 Credits (2 Lec)
PREREQUISITE: EDEL 337. Analysis of the foundations of music literacy, contemporary trends in music reading and writing instruction and research related to these issues
MUSE 542 Graduate Vocal Pedagogy: 3 Credits (3 Other)
COREQUISITE: Must be an active music educator. Online/Seminar delivery centers around classroom application of vocal methodologies in the studio and classroom. Course content will include the study of vocal physiology and acoustics
MUSE 545 General Music Practicum: 3 Credits (3 Other)
Current issues and developments, teaching-learning systems, materials, media, strategies, and research relevant to K-8 general music education. Practical application of course content to one's own teaching situation through online readings, research, discussions, and presentations.
MUSE 575 Professional Paper and Project: 1-4 Credits (1-4 Other)
PREREQUISITES: Graduate Standing
Max 6 cr. A research or professional paper or project dealing with a topic in the field. The topic must have been mutually agreed upon by the student and his or her major advisor and graduate committee.
MUSE 588 Professional Development: 1-3 Credits ()
PREREQUISITE: Graduate standing, teaching experience and/or current employment in a school organization, consent of instructor and Dean of Graduate Studies. Courses offered on a one-time basis to fulfill professional development needs of in service educators. A specific focus is given to each course which is appropriately subtitled. May be repeated
Repeatable up to 3 credits.
MUSE 591 Special Topics: 2 Credits (2 Other)
PREREQUISITE: Bachelor's degree in Music, Music Education, or related field. This intensive course presented by music professionals and music educator session presenters will allow the student/teacher total immersion with experts in all areas of music teaching and performance to include woodwinds, brass, percussion, small and large ensembles. Woodwind, brass and percussion instruments will be studied regarding proper technique, pedagogical and physical problems, and the teaching of music through each individual performance area and the full instrumental ensemble. Selected concert band and ensemble literature will be studied and analyzed relating to the teaching of national standards for music through the instrumental ensemble medium and individual teaching techniques and effectiveness
MUSE 592 Independent Study: 1-3 Credits ()
PREREQUISITE: Graduate standing, consent of instructor, approval of Director and Dean of The Graduate School. Directed research and study on an individual basis
Repeatable up to 6 credits.
MUSE 594 Seminar: 1 Credits (1 Other)
PREREQUISITE: Graduate standing or seniors by petition. Course prerequisites as determined for each offering. Topics offered at the graduate level which are not covered in regular courses. Students participate in preparing and presenting discussion material
Repeatable up to 4 credits.
MUSE 598 Internship: 2-12 Credits (2-12 Other)
PREREQUISITE: Graduate standing, consent of instructor and Director. An individualized assignment arranged with an agency, business or other organization to provide guided experience in the field
Repeatable up to 12 credits.